
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Books for Sale: Marv Lachman

Mystery Readers Journal columnist Marv Lachman is selling many of the books (about 5,000) from his 60 years of mystery collecting. This includes Hardcovers, Paperbacks (many of which are paperback originals), Sherlockiana, Short Story Anthologies, Reference works, and Biographies. If interested, please get in touch with Marv at the following e-mail address (copy and omit spaces)

mysterybooks315   @


  1. Thanks Marv,

    I'll take the fourth shelf down in the second bookcase - smiling as I type this. Honestly, its such a pleasure to find someone who wants to share with us, the readers (and of course, fellow writers). Your generous nature makes my heart beat a bit faster.

  2. Yowsa. What a collection that must be! An amazing scholar and writer. Just reached out.
