
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More Paris in Springtime

So as soon as I posted about Cara Black's latest Aimee Le Duc mystery, Murder in the Latin Quarter, two more mysteries came across my desk. Well, actually I read about the first one on The Rap Sheet. Haven't read it yet, but it sounds great.

Pictures at an Exhibition by Sara Houghteling is a debut novel. Houghteling tells the stories of a Parisian art gallery owner whose collection of paintings was looted by the Nazis, and of his son’s quest to recover his father's lost masterpieces after the war. That's enough to hook me.

And, I just opened a package from The New Press with a copy of Beyond Suspicion: A Novel by Tanguy Viel, translated from the French by Linda Coverdale, with an introduction by Jonathan Lethem. This one is set in the South of France. "Set in the south of France where the stakes are high and no one is beyond suspicion, this Hitchcockian tale presents siblings and lovers in constantly shifting configurations. The grace and precision of Viel’s language are eloquently captured by prizewinning translator Linda Coverdale’s lyrical prose." It's a novella, and it just went on my TBR stack.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of art-theft mysteries. There's so much scope for fascinating characters in the art world.
