
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Kentucky Derby Mysteries

Kentucky Derby Day. If you read my DyingforChocolate Blog, you know I've been suggesting different chocolate for the Derby: Chocolate Bourbon Derby Pie (by various names since can't use Derby Pie) and Chocolate Bourbon balls. My horse of choice this year is Chocolate Candy, of course.

But Mystery Fanfare is my Mystery blog, so it's appropriate to list some mysteries to read today!

Derby Rotten Scoundrels: A Silver Dagger Anthology, edited by Jeffrey Marks is a great anthology that surrounds one of the United States' greatest sporting event--the Kentucky Derby. Danger, bourbon, horses, gambling, special events and deceit abound. Author bios.

Kit Ehrman, who has written some great horse mysteries featuring Steven Cline, wrote Triple Cross that takes place during the Derby. Here's a link to Kit's blog where she tells how and why she wrote a Derby novel. Great photos of the Kentucky Derby and the surrounding buildings and special events , too.

It might be fun to have a marathon read of Dick Francis mysteries today, but only "The Gift" is set at the Kentucky Derby. It is in the collection Field of Thirteen. "The Gift" first appeared as "A Day of Wine and Roses" in Sports Illustrated, 1973.

And there once was a thorough-bred named Mystery Novel. He did not win the Kentucky Derby.


  1. Well, I went to Kit's blog and now I am homesick. The Derby Festival is so wonderful.

  2. Dear Ms. Rudolph,

    Thank you for the nice reference to TRIPLE CROSS and your kind words!
    Kit Ehrman
