
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Zealand Crime/Thriller Contest

Craig Sisterson, Sub Editor & Staff Writer for NZLawyer Magazine sent news of a Crime Watch Giveaway: win a New Zealand Crime or Thriller Novel. As the introduction states, New Zealand crime and fiction novels are hard to find outside Australasia. Few Kiwi authors are published in Europe, and even less in the U.S. Crime Watch to the rescue! So Crime Watch has set up a contest. The winner can choose any Kiwi crime novel currently in print (possibly signed).

How do you win? It's easy, go to the Crime Watch Giveaway page and make a comment on the post that includes: your name and location (not address), a small review of your favorite Kiwi crime/thriller novel (title, author, why you like it OR if you've never read any Kiwi crime fiction, write a short comment on why you'd like to give Kiwi crime fiction a go 3) number of Kiwi authors you've read (alternate choice here, too) and 4) the title and author of the Kiwi crime/thriller book you would like. Winners will be chosen at random.

This contest is great, but what's really terrific is that if you go to this site, you'll be introduced to a whole lot of writers and titles you might have missed otherwise. I'm adding Crime Watch to my RSS feed.

Interested in more info on Murder Down Under? Mystery Readers Journal still has copies of our Murder Down Under issue. To order, go here and scroll down to Volume 20:4.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug. Most of our entries are from the US so far (probably thanks to you and Peter R at Detectives Beyond Borders). I set myself up a little table of entries vs prizes before I announced this competition (which may be the first in a series), and we've now crossed the threshold for 2 winners (and closing in on 3), so keep the entries coming guys - if you're interested in Kiwi crime/thriller fiction, and would like to give it a go...
