
Friday, December 25, 2009

Sherlock Holmes News

With the release of the new Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey Jr, my favorite actor, there's been a resurgence of public interest in Sherlock Holmes. This is always good for the mystery community.

TMC (Turner Movie Classics) has a 24 hour Holmes Marathon: Holmes for Christmas starting tonight at 8 p.m. First film in "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (1939) with Basil Rathebone as Holmes and Nigel Bruce as Watson. 9:30 "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939) also with Bruce and Rathbone. This will be followed by "The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes" (1970) with Robert Stephens and Colin Blakely. For more info on the rest of the Sherlock Holmes line-up, go to the NYT or TMC.

Smithsonian Magazine this month has a great article on Sherlock Holmes' London. Read it HERE.

Of course you should read the entire works of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle before you see the new movie. I would opt for The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes by Leslie S. Klinger with an Introduction by John Le Carre.


  1. I probably have seen most of the Sherlock Holmes movies. The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes is excellent.Highly recommended.
    A revelation to me though was the Russian Sherlock Holmes series done during the communist era. That was shown on KCSM and I wish they would repeat it. Very true to the stories.
    No desire to see the new movie. A scruffy Holmes doe not appeal.
    Although Jude Law is always nice to look at. One of his first roles was in Shoscombe Old place in 1985 with Jeremy Brett as HOlmes.

  2. My wife and I watched The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes last night for New Year's Eve ... and it never fails to break our hearts each time we see it. What an amazing movie!

    We've also been watching the 1954 television series starring Ronald Howard. We didn't expect much, but were pleasantly surprised. It's a nice interpretation.

  3. What a great way to celebrate New Year's Eve. Glad to hear that the 1954 TV series is good. I'll see if I can get it from Netflix (since I didn't record it) Have a great year!
