
Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Bookcase Coffin

I'm all for bookcases in odd and weird configurations, but this is, perhaps, one of the oddest and yet so utilitarian. I found this at Last Things: Alternatives at the End. Be sure to check the site if you want to plan your own funeral.

The Bookcase Coffin

This is the bookcase coffin.  It's two seven-inch-deep boxes hinged together.  The shelves are adjustable.  When preparing it to be used as a coffin, the shelves are laid on the bottom of the coffin.


  1. Is there some subliminal message about the grave state of the book industry at work here?

  2. This is clever but too gruesome for me. Picking out the coffins for my parents was bad enough. In fact I delegated the one for my mother to my brother. Cannot relate to coffins.

  3. Vallery, as you know, I like cemeteries. I picked out my Dad's casket. Very emotional, and I went for beautiful redwood..too bereaved to make a very rational decision, since the casket was covered completely with a flag. I like to think he would have liked it.

    There's no one to pick out my coffin, so this seems quite a functional solution--and it's a pine box. And, I can keep books on it!

  4. OMG! My husband is a funeral director, and last year he built me bookcases out of old shipping trays! Shipping trays are used to ship bodies from another location on an airplane. I must say they are the perfect depth to hold mass market paperbacks. He put 8 shelves, and each shelf holds approx. 20 mass markets. I have 3 of these filled to the gills!

  5. Photos, Jeanne. What a resourceful husband!

  6. I will post pics on my blog tomorrow! Come take a peek. :)

  7. What an interesting idea! Since I am scheduled to be cremated (not too soon, I hope), it doesn't apply to me, but if I had wanted a natural burial (which would have been my second choice), I'd look into one of these.
