
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Multiple Book Reading

Don't you wish you could read more than one book at the same time? 

 These self-portrait photos are by Manu Pombrol who digitally modifies his photographs in Adobe Photoshop. They're all amazing. See more at (one of my favorite sites for odd but interesting photos and news).


  1. Love the one with multiple arms. I've always wondered what that would be like. Would the extra ones get in the way?

  2. Fun. And the linked website has so many great ideas...

  3. My father used to read five books at a time, of all genres. Well, not at once as if he were an octopus, but he'd keep five in a neat stack and alternate them in a night--one on history, one on sports, one on a language he was interested in, one of math puzzles--and a novel, often a John Dickson Carr mystery or another whodunnit-type.

    Don't know how he did this.
