
Monday, February 28, 2011

Bogart & Bacall at the Oscars


  1. A fantastic personal treat is to rewatch the four movies which starred Bogart and Bacall, which also made quite clear that they were smitten with each other:

    The Big Sleep
    To Have and Have Not (where they met)
    Dark Passages
    Key Largo

    When you deserve to treat yourself, watch these movies.

  2. Great photographs. The Rap Sheet gave a link to a memorable interview this week in Vanity Fair. Lauren Bacall's incisive insight into her life and the directness of her self-honesty reverberates.

    What a lady. And how many have toasted her in giving 'what for' to the lout who barged into her at her physio's door after she'd got it together to make a visit after a recent fall. Spirit indominatable.
