
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cartoon of the Day: Personal Library

From cartoonist Jeff Koterba. Originally found on GalleyCat. July 30, 2010


  1. So often you see in these fancy homes bookshelves, so-called, that have everything but books on them.

  2. Just tracked down the source. Someone sent it to me, and I was taken by it, that I forgot to cite! thanks for the reminder.

  3. Or books ordered by the yard by the interior designer.
    Been there as law firm librarian, designer wanted to fill reception room bookshelves with :pretty" books.

  4. I can see where some folks would want/need the electronic versions of books. I personally want to have the BOOKS....
    I remember seeing in a home decorating magazine that they showed the books in the shelves all turned with the spines in so they'd look 'better.' EGAD!
