
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Forgotten Books: Mystery Book Group Winter 2012

The Mystery Readers International, NorCal Mystery Book Group has been meeting weekly on Tuesday nights in Berkeley (CA) for over 30 years. Since we've read so many books during that time--at least a book a week--this session we'll be revisiting some books and authors we've come across in the past. So this session, we'll be reading "Forgotten Books". Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. Please comment if you plan to attend...or  comment if you'd like to 'read and discuss' along with us.

Forgotten Books Winter  2012 
Mystery Readers Book Group Berkeley

January 10    The Killings at Badger’s Drift – Caroline Graham

January 17    Many Deadly Returns - Patricia Moyes

January 24:   Rogue Male - Geoffrey Household

January 31   The Murder of Miranda - Margaret Millar

February 7    The Family Vault by Charlotte MacLeod

Feburary 14   Brighton Rock - Graham Greene

February 21   Ruth Rendell: A Judgement in Stone

February 28   Savage Season - Joe R. Lansdale

March 6        The Hollow Man (The Three Coffins) - John Dickson Carr

March 13     Outsider in Amsterdam - Janwillem van de Wetering

March 20     Speak for the Dead - Margaret Yorke


  1. What a wonderful idea and fascinating books! Thank you for sharing the list. Talk about treasures...

  2. I love the idea of resuscitating lost art. Most of these I don't know: did they ever go out of print?

  3. Most are out of print but available on Amazon, ABE or Alibris.

  4. I can claim to have read only three of those, but you say they're out of print? I wonder if that button on Amazon [tell the publisher you'd like this available on Kindle] really works?

  5. I think I've read three of those. I wonder if the button on Amazon [Let the publisher know you'd like this available on Kindle] works?

  6. Maddy, some have been reissued, and you can find them on Amazon--and, of course, ABE and Alibris..

  7. Can I use the image of the four women freely? I love it - book excitement!

  8. Hi, Rose, I'm not sure. I found it on the internet, and we're not-for-profit.
