
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hammett Prize Nominees

The North American Branch of the International Association of Crime Writers is pleased to announce nominees for their annual HAMMETT PRIZE for a work of literary excellence in the field of crime writing by a US or Canadian author.  The  nominees:           

James Lee Burke, Feast Day of Fools: A Novel  (Simon & Schuster)
Sara Gran, Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead ( Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Michael Ondaatje, The Cat's Table (McClelland & Stewart/Canada; Knopf/US)
Thomas Perry, The Informant (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/An Otto Penzler Book)
James Sallis, The Killer is Dying: A Novel (Walker & Company)

A reading committee of IACW/NA members selected the nominees, based on recommendations from other members and the publishing community. The committee was headed by Deen Kogan and included Jedediah Berry, Vicki Delany, Lorenzo Carcaterra, and Thomas Laird.
The winner will be chosen by three outside judges: Kevin Connolly, Canadian poet and editor; Eileen Hutton, founder of Brilliance Audio; and Paula J. Massood, author of Black City Cinema: African American Urban Experiences in  Film. 

The organization will name the HAMMETT PRIZE  winner, during the Bloody Words Conference, in Toronto, June 1-3. The winner will receive a bronze trophy, designed by sculptor Peter Boiger.


  1. I've only read one of the nominees, but I can't imagine there's a finer book on the list than FEAST DAY OF FOOLS :)

  2. You're right, Janet. Interesting that they even mentioned the judges.

  3. After listening to Elaine Charls'es radio show, "The Book Report" where she spoke to Michael Ondaajte, I was thoroughly intrigued about the adventures of the little boys on the boat and all the interesting characters they met.
    Apparently Michael has written 13 poetry books, which I wouldn't have known about had I not listened to 'The Book Report' radio show.
    I actually can't wait to read 'The Cats Table'it sounds like heaps of fun.
