
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Final CWA Dagger Shortlists Announced!

CWA Final Dagger Shortlists:

CWA Goldsboro Gold Dagger: 
Rubbernecker by Belinda Bauer(Bantam/Transworld)
The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes (HarperCollins)
Dead Lions by Mick Herron (Soho Crime)
Rage Against the Dying by Becky Masterman (Orion)

CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger: 
Ghostman by Roger Hobbs (Transworld)
Ratlines by Stuart Neville (Random House)
The Sentinel by Mark Oldfield (Head of Zeus)
Capital Punishment by Robert Wilson (Orion)

CWA John Creasey Dagger: 
Something You Are by Hanna Jameson (Head of Zeus)
The Necessary Death of Lewis Winter by Malcolm Mackay (Mantle)
Norwegian by Night by Derek B Miller (Faber and Faber)
Shadow of the Rock by Thomas Mogford (Bloomsbury)

CWA Chair Alison Joseph commented: “These 2013 CWA Dagger shortlists are all about inspirational story-telling and great writing. They show, once again, just why this genre continues to be so hugely popular and so greatly loved by readers.”

HT: ShotsMag

1 comment:

  1. Not relevant to the CWA awards, alas, but a Story ID request from a librarian on the Fiction-L list:

    I am humbly beseeching the collective brain to find the title of an old
    short story.

    The patron is sure it was in either Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine or
    Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (both monthlies) and most likely published
    during the 1970's or 1980's, as that's when she had a subscription to both.

    The author may or may not have been Edward D. Hoch, who was VERY prolific,
    with over 900 short stories to his name.

    The story involved an elderly/retired man being harassed by neighborhood
    toughs, who show no respect for him or his hobby of model planes. He
    exacts revenge on his harassers by using a radio-controlled kamikazee plane
    to knock the gang leader off his motorcycle.

    My thanks in advance to anyone able to point me in the right direction.


    Audrey Jo DeVillier
    Head, ILL/Technical Services
    Iberville Parish Library
