
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

5 Apps to Track Personal Libraries

From GalleyCat comes this great list of 5 Apps to Help You track Your Personal Libraries:

With some of these, you can scan barcodes with your phone to be added to the list. GalleyCat has put together a list of five of tools along with a link to the app and the app’s description. Of course, if you're like me, you can let the cat track your library!

1. Delicious Library

2. Readerware

3. Shelves

4. Libib

5. GoodReads  

Read the Article wth descriptions, HERE


  1. Well now Janet I know you don't need any of these aps because you have Barclay. I mean, look at him working so hard CAT-a-log that stack before it tips over. '0) Wish I could come and help, too.
