
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Call for Articles: Bibliomysteries

The next issue of the Mystery Readers Journal (30:3) will focus on Bibliomysteries: Crime fiction set in the world of books (bookstores, libraries, publishing) or concerns itself with books, manuscripts, writers, editors. 

We're looking for articles, reviews and author essays. 

Author! Author! essays are first person, upclose and personal about yourself, your books, and the 'book/biblio" connection. 500-1500 words.  

Deadline September 9. 

Have a look at past issues of Mystery Readers Journal for past themed issue articles. 

If you'd like to contribute to this issue, make a comment below with your email or go to Janet @ mysteryreaders dot org. 


  1. Janet,
    I'm writing an essay about me and my bibliomysteries.

  2. Janet,
    I'd like to submit a review of a book.

  3. Would love to submit an article but will be too busy with a book tour until Sept. 8 with my new thriller, Shark Fin Soup about one man's attempt to stop finning and save sharks from extinction. If you ever want articles on Environmental Mysteries. I'm your author. Susan Klaus
