
Friday, August 15, 2014

Jeremiah Healy: R.I.P.

This is such sad news in a week of sad news. Mystery author Jerry Healy died last night.

From Sandy Balzo, his wife, via Mary Frisque at AIEP:  

"My heart breaks to send you all this news, especially by email. As you may know, Jerry has battled chronic severe depression for years, mostly controlled bymedication, but exacerbated by alcohol. Last night he took his own life. Jerry was the smartest, kindest man I've ever met, and I thought we'd continue to grow old together. His demons had other plans. Please keep Jerry in your heart, as you all were in his."

Jerry always had a kind word for everyone he met. I remember so many conversations over the years at Bouchercon and other mystery conventions. I'm reeling from this very sad news. Jerry was 66.

My heart and sympathy go out to Sandy, his family, and friends. 


  1. I'm so, so sorry. I met Jerry thirteen or fourteen years ago when he appeared at the Lee County Reading Festival for me. I'm sorry to hear about this.

  2. So incredibly sad. I too am reeling.

  3. I'm very sorry to hear this. The couple of times I spoke with Jerry, he was very friendly and very encouraging.

    Such a terrible loss. My sincerest condolences to his family.

  4. Years ago when I first met him at an LCC I had a crush on him and was teased by a friend. i have the Crippen and Landru short story books by him-both excellent. I'm so sorry I missed seeing him at Monterey this year because I was unable to attend.Much to young.

  5. I was stunned to learn of Jerry's death. He was one of the most gracious and truly giving men I've ever met in the mystery community. The few times I attended conventions where Jerry appeared, I never once heard him say an unkind word about anyone. He seemed to treat every writer equally, regardless of their level of success. A true gentleman if ever there was one. What a terrible loss for his wife and family. I am so sorry.

  6. Very sorry to hear this news. Jerry was a keynote at a Pennwriters conference a few years ago and did a great job. He was so generous to other writers.

  7. Generous, absolutely. And at one convention we discovered we shared a nice connection: Rutgers. On campus during the same years. Jerry has helped so many writers.

  8. I arrived home from a trip this noon to discover this most distressing news. I first met Jerry in Minneapolis at the annual Bouchercon convention in 1996. We've served together on many a panel and shared many a cocktail from Monterey to Denver, Chicago and Indianapolis with his lovely and talented wife Sandra. A strong and talented writer, an excellent person of character. I will miss him a whole lot.

  9. I enjoyed the Cuddy novels I could get hold of a great deal, and I hope to finish reading the series someday. I'm sorry for the loss to the world of literature. I wish hope and love on you in your time of loss.

  10. So sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to his family, especially to Sandy.

  11. I was stunned to hear of Jerry's death. When I was getting my footing in the mystery business, he was exceptionally kind to me and I'm grateful. My condolences are all I can offer his family.

  12. I have just learned this heartbreaking news. I knew Jerry for, it seemed, forever. I can't believe he's gone. He was larger than life, never afraid to speak the truth, and always a friend to his fellow mystery writers. How I'll miss him.

  13. Utterly stunned and saddened to hear this news and my heart goes out to his wife and those who loved him. I was his publicist for years at Pocket Books and remember him fondly as both talented and gracious. He will be missed.

  14. Very sorry to hear this. I was telling one of my classes about him yesterday. I saw him speak at the Smithsonian and was very impressed with his work ethic - even more impressed with his work. Cuddy was a great character - IS a great character - who will live on in Healy's wonderful books.
