
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sleepover at Waterstones Piccadilly: Serious Readers Should Apply

After an American tourist was accidently locked in Waterstones in Trafalgar Square in London last week, the Piccadilly Waterstones is offering an overnight stay for up to 20 people this Friday. Waterstones was struck by the many people who tweeted that being locked in a store after hours would be a dream.

Interested book lovers can apply via an Airbnb listing for 10 spots (each winner can bring a friend) on Friday, October 24. The listing reads: "With Waterstones Piccadilly all to yourself, saunter up and down our beautiful central staircase, from our Ground Floor Bestsellers to our Fourth Floor's Russian Bookshop, and let your imagination loose. Settle down on the comfy airbeds and sleeping bags provided and drift off surrounded by the fantastical tales, incredible true stories and beautiful books of all shapes and sizes that are packed into the more than eight and a half miles of book shelves.

"That's not all though--there's plenty of treats and surprises in store. Food (Grazebox and Weetabix to name a few), entertainment, bedding--we got you covered! The only thing you need to worry about is what to read next. And if someone will let you out in the morning... But that wouldn't be a problem would it?

"House Rules: Only serious book lovers need apply. Be considerate--other guests may be trying to read. And why wouldn't they, they're in a bookshop after all?"

A Waterstones bookseller will give a tour of the store at 9 p.m.

Bookstore overnights seem to be the new international trend. On November 1, Japanese bookstore chain Junkudo will host six people overnight at the company's store in the Chiyoda section of Tokyo--with the proviso that they buy at least one book by the time they leave. Depending on the experience, Junkudo may hold more bookstore overnight events.

HT: ShelfAwareness

1 comment:

  1. Hope they also have good security. Locked in a store with 20 strangers???
