
Monday, November 21, 2016

Iceland Noir: Ann Cleeves

Crime Fiction Lover reports that Ann Cleeves has won Iceland Noir's first ever Honorary Award for Services to the Art of Crime Fiction. Ann is an advocate for reading and library provision, as well as one fine crime fiction writer who sets her series in both the North of England and the Shetland Islands.
Photo: Crime Fiction Lover
HT: Crime Fiction Lover


  1. I don't mean to sound like one of the millions who now claim to have actually been in Yankee Stadium when Babe Ruth pointed to where he'd hit his home run, I was in Reykjavik at the Hotel Borg dinner where Ragnar Jonason presented Ann with that award for being such an inspirational friend to Iceland Noir. It was a terrific moment matching the spirit of this wonderful festival.

  2. Ann Cleeves is one of my all-time favorite writers and people. I was privileged to get a half hour of her all to myself at Left Coast Crime last spring, and I look forward to seeing her again one day. Congratulations my dear one. You brighten my life in so many ways. Looking forward to the next book in the Shetland "trilogy," up to six now?

  3. She is SO good! Congratulations, Ann Cleeves!
