
Friday, December 16, 2016

Harlan Coben's No Second Chance on Netflix

Today (12/16) Netflix premieres No Second Chance, the highly rated French miniseries based on the book of the same name by author Harlan Coben.

TF1, Europe’s largest TV network, aired the miniseries last fall to huge audiences. Over 9 million people tuned into the finale which broke a ten-year record on the network. It was sold to 64 countries, on top of winning the best series award at last year’s La Rochelle festival and won the award for best foreign limited series at Shanghai Television Festival. Coben, who created the show and served as Executive Producer, also has a cameo in which he plays Dana Delany’s husband. Sydney Gallonde, who produced Une Chance de Trop, has reteamed with Coben to adapt his novel Just One Look for TF1, currently in production.

In 2016, Coben had two #1 New York Times bestsellers with Fool Me Once and Home.


  1. Not listed on Netflixs site

  2. Hi, Steve, here's the link. Starts today. Are you in the U.S.?

  3. It's on Netflix in US I'm already watching it however I want to know if Alice gets her baby back

  4. As good a series as I've seen. It's a Must-See to the end. Enjoy, all.

  5. A terrific suspense show. Great acting all around by the cast. Must see show

  6. Excellent series. Watched it is 3 days, 2 hours a day.

    Great acting and great suspense.

    Read the synopsis of the book and wonder
    why they changed the sex of the main character
    from male to female.

  7. I don't speak French but in the credits at the end of each episode there is a line at the bottom with a special credit to Dana Delany. Was she responsible for any part of the production?

  8. Good question. I'll try to find out. Loved Harlan's guest appearance.

  9. Watch the entire series, you'll see why Dana Delaney is mentioned. :)

  10. Wish it was in English. I wanted to introduce my husband to your stories.

  11. Who was the female singer in Episode 1?
