
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Call for Articles: Midwest Mysteries

CALL FOR ARTICLES: Midwest Mysteries

Mystery Readers Journal (Volume 33:1)

The next issue of Mystery Readers Journal (Volume 33:1) will focus on crime fiction featuring Midwest Mysteries (other than Chicago/Detroit). Looking for reviews, articles, and Author! Author! essays. Reviews: 50-250 words; Articles: 250-1000 words; Author! Author! essays: 500-1500 words. Author essays are first person, about yourself, your books, and the 'Midwest' connection. Think of it as chatting with friends and other writers in the bar or cafe about your work and your Midwest connection. Add title and 2-3 sentence bio/tagline. Deadline: January 25. Send to: Janet Rudolph, Editor. (Comment below or send DM) Please forward this request to anyone you think should be included.
TIME TO RENEW MYSTERY READERS JOURNAL: Subscribe or renew for 2017 by January 15, 2017 and receive all four issues for '17 (Midwest Mysteries, Murder in Wartime, Big City Cops 1, Big City Cops 2)--if you're a new subscriber, you'll also receive the bonus issue of Volume 32:4 (Small Town Cops 2).

Many back issues of Mystery Readers Journal are available as single copies in hardcopy or PDF.
Call for Articles for 2017 (Volume 33): Midwest Mysteries (not including Chicago/Detroit), Murder in Wartime, Big City Cops 1, Big City Cops 2). Have titles, articles or suggestions for these upcoming issues? Want to write an Author! Author! essay? Send email or comment below.


  1. I'm writing an Author! Author! piece to send for consideration.

  2. I sent in an Author! Author! piece as well, on January 7th, but haven't heard back. Is this issue still being planned? Thanks.

  3. I'm sending you an Author! Author piece in a few minutes.

    M. Ruth Myers
