
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Kate Wilhelm: R.I.P.

I just learned that Kate Wilhelm passed away on March 8. Kate Wilhelm was what I consider a Renaissance writer. She wrote award winning science fiction, fantasy, speculative fiction, magical realism, and mystery. She wrote stand-alones and series, poetry and non-fiction, short stories, and edited many collections. She was extremely prolific, and she was extremely good.

Kate Wilhelm wrote 14 novels in the Barbara Holloway legal mystery series and six novels in the Constance Leidl and Charlie Meiklejohn p.i./psychologist series, as well as several Collections, Short Stories in EQMM, and standalone mystery/suspense novels. Her works have been adapted for television and movies in the United States, England, and Germany. Wilhelm’s novels and stories have been translated to more than a dozen languages. She has contributed to Quark, Orbit, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Locus, Amazing Stories, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Fantastic, Omni, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Redbook, and Cosmopolitan.

Kate Wilhelm won three Nebulas, two Hugos, and two Locus awards, and was an inductee to the Science Fiction Hall of Fame.


  1. Heaven has another scribe angel.

  2. I loved her Constance and Charlie series. Now I will lok for other things she wrote. May she RIP.
