
Monday, December 23, 2019

P.J. Nunn: R.I.P.

Sad news: P.J. Nunn: R.I.P. 

Kate Nunn, PJ Nunn’s oldest daughter, posted on her Facebook wall:

I am sad to say that PJ passed away on Thursday night. It was very sudden and unexpected. She was sick but doing as well as could be expected that morning. Late that afternoon, the combination of 2 infections she was fighting and the medicine to fight them became too much for her heart. She had a heart attack and they were never able to stabilize her after that. She was gone within a couple of hours. She truly loved the people she worked with, worked for, and worked alongside. 

Some of you know her as your publicist (past or present) and some of you knew her from her activity as a book lover, book reviewer, and author. She edited. She supported. She had great ideas and a wonderful sense of humor. She will be missed by many people that knew her to wear so many different hats. 

In 1998, P.J. Nunn founded BreakThrough Promotions, now a national public relations firm helping authors, mostly of mystery novels, publicize themselves and their work. P. J. was the author of Private Spies and Shadow in the Pines.

Go FundMe for Patti Nunn family.


  1. This is so sad to hear. I worked with PJ several years ago and she was so pleasant and fun---and an excellent publicist. My thoughts and prayers to her family. DP Lyle

  2. She will be greatly missed. PJ was a wonderful friend to writers and readers alike. Sadness.

  3. I am so sorry to read this. PJ was my publicist for one of my books. She was excellent, a tireless worker, and helped me to achieve recognition that would have been impossible for me to find on my own. She will be greatly missed professionally, but more than that, PJ had become a friend an a mentor. She is irreplacable. Prayers to her family. Kait Carson
