
Wednesday, May 15, 2024


The Convention Attendance Support Grant (CAS) is created to assist fans and writers of the mystery genre by offering a financial subsidy to offset associated costs to attend and participate in the current annual Bouchercon convention.

The Grant includes a paid registration fee, and reimbursement for up to Five-Hundred Dollars ($500.00). There will be five CAS grant recipients for Nashville Bouchercon.

Program Elements:

Who May Apply?

  • Anyone who will be attending the next upcoming Bouchercon convention, and
  • Anyone willing to contribute up to four hours of volunteering during the eligible convention.

What is the Financial Assistance Offered?

  • The Convention registration fee is waived.
  • Travel and lodging costs are reimbursed up to $500.00.
  • Note: Awardees will be sent a reimbursement check within fifteen business days of the conclusion of Bouchercon and after receipts have been scanned/mailed to the Bouchercon Administrator.

What are the Requirements?

  • Applicants will need to submit a 300-to-500-word essay on the applicant’s interest in the crime fiction/mystery genre; interest in attending Bouchercon; and need for assistance.
  • Grant recipients will be required to volunteer during the Bouchercon convention for no less than four hours.
  • Applicants will need to agree to abide to the Bouchercon Code of Conduct.

Go Here to get the Application form:

Deadline: Send applications no later than May 31st to: 

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