Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Call for Articles: Themed issue Mystery Readers Journal: Retail Mysteries

Call for Articles: Mystery Readers Journal: Retail Mysteries! (41:2); Summer 2025

For our next issue, Retail Mysteries, we are thinking of books which feature coffee shops, bookstores, garden stores, and so on. And not just stores— contractors, consultants, and others who sell their services qualify. 

If you have a mystery that fits this theme, please consider writing an Author! Author! essay: 500–1500 words, first person, up-close and personal about yourself, your books, and the theme connection. 

We’re also looking for reviews and articles

Send submissions to janet @ mysteryreaders.org 

Deadline: April 25, 2025. 

Author Essays are first person, about yourself, your books, and the "Retail" connection. 500-1000 words. Treat this as if you're chatting with friends and other writers in the bar or cafe (or on zoom) about your work and the "Retail" setting in your mysteries. Be sure and cite specific titles, as well as how you use Retail in your books. Add title and 2-3 sentence bio. 

Reviews: 50-250 words. 

Articles: 500-1000 words. 

Deadline: April 25, 2025  

Send to: Janet Rudolph, Editor. janet @ mysteryreaders . org  

Please let me know if you're planning to send an article, review, or author essay--or if you have any questions! 

Themes in 2025: London Mysteries 2; Retail Mysteries; Northern California Mysteries; Cross-Genre Mysteries. 

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