Sunday, August 18, 2024

Deutscher Krimipreis 2023

Deutscher Krimipreis 2023. Better late than never! These awards were announced on December 31, 2023. Congratulations to All!

[Original German language crime fiction]

1st Place: Wie Sterben geht (How Dying Works) by Andreas Pflüger, Publisher: Suhrkamp

2nd Place: Antoniusfeuer (St. Anthony’s Fire) by Monika Geier, Publisher: Ariadne/Argument

3rd Place: Die Guten und die Toten (The Good and the Dead) by Kim Koplin, Publisher: Suhrkamp

[Crime fiction translated into German]

1st Place: Fünf Winter (Five Decembers) by James Kestrel, translated by Stefan Lux, Publisher: Suhrkamp [Winner of the 2022 Edgar Award for Best Novel]

2nd Place: Aus der Balance (The Turnout) by Megan Abbott, translated by Karen Gerwig and Angelika Müller, Publisher: Pulp Master

3rd Place: Sekunden der Gnade (Small Mercies) by Dennis Lehane, translated by Malte Krutzsch, Publisher: Diogenes

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