Bouchercon Guest of Honor: Michael Connelly. Toastmaster: S.J. Rozan. Honored Youth Author: Wendelin Van Draanen. Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: Allen J. Hubin. Fan Guest of Honor: Kathryn Kennison.
Jim Huang, Chair of Bouchercon, sent a note about a very special program at this year's B'con. Bouchercon 2009 will be honoring Hoosier native Rex Stout by designating one of his Nero Wolfe novels as the "One Conference, One Book" selection.
This is an anniversary year for the Nero Wolfe series. Fer de Lance launched the series 75 years ago. Next month the B'con committee will be mailing to everyone registered for Bouchercon a copy of the selection, and the committee will be building a variety of programs around the book throughout the convention. In addition, there will be a Rex Stout banquet on Friday evening during Bouchercon, an over-the-top elaborate meal based on Too Many Cooks.
In July, the committee will conduct sign-ups for some special program sessions that will have limited capacity -- ticketed, free events. Register now in order to have first shot at these
opportunities. The committee has already begun to accept reservations for a complimentary tea for librarians, hosted by Sisters in Crime.
If you're an author who's not yet registered, sign up right away in order to have your picture and bio in the program book. Send your .jpeg and bio to: dun46032@aol.com now.
B O U C H E R C O N 2 0 0 9: Elementary, My Dear Indy!
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