Mystery Bytes: Random News & Ideas for the Mystery Reader
On my Chocolate Blog, Dying for Chocolate, I have an occasional post called the Chocolate Sampler: News & Events for Chocoholics. Although I post random info on Mystery Fanfare, I thought I might try to save some of it and post info, blogs and events under the Mystery Bytes column. Feel free to send me any news to include.
Blogs of Interest to people who love Language:
Omniglot Blog is great for word derivations and so much more. Subtitled: Language-related musings-one language is never enough.
Separated by a Common Language. Observations on British and American English by an American linguist in the UK. Perfect companion when reading British mysteries (and American for the Brits). As George Bernard Shaw said, "England and America are two countries separated by a common language."
The Virtual Linguist. Origins and history of words, overview of new additions to the OED, Dictionaries, Grammar, Pronunciation, Words and Phrases and a lot more.
Mr. Verb: Language Changes. Deal With It. Revel in It. Everything about Linguistics. Lots of great links.
Wordia: Bring the Dictionary to Life! Odd blog in which individuals tell on video what words mean to them. Check it out.
Thanks to the Blog: Matador Abroad and Sarah Menkedrick's Article on 10 Blogs for Language Lovers for introducing me to some new blogs. If you like to travel, you should subscribe to Matador Abroad.
Here's a fun post on Lauren Leto's Blog: Stereotyping People by Their Favorite Author
The Huffington Post had a great article on 12 Things that Became Obsolete this Decade.
And if you live in Rome, Georgia, here's something to keep you sober on New Year's Eve (unless you can't pass up a bargain) Between now and noon on Thursday, drivers can visit McGuire, Jennings and Miller Funeral Home on North Broad Street and sign a contract stating they plan to drink or use drugs and drive on New Year’s Eve. If they are then killed in a wreck while operating a vehicle on Thursday, the funeral home will bury them for free. Services include a casket, grave space, limousine and preparation of remains.
Drive Safely! Lots of great mysteries in 2010 you'll want to read!
Just read the article on things that may be obsolete soon - except that around our house most aren't. I'm not giving up my landline - I don't trust the cell phone to remain working. I like having both. I print out all of my addresses. I love my address lists and still use the Yellow pages. I also like to receive a written or type written thank you note. It does depend on the person, but a dashed off two word thank you in e-mail, bothers me. While I love my computer and all it can do, I consider myself part of a tween generation. There are still some things that I don't want to do on the machine.
Couldn't relate to the stereotyping blog. I think she was trying to be funny, but she dismissed too many authors I like and I didn't fit her stereotype for liking them.
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