Sunday, April 10, 2011

Reimagining Favorite Albums as Book Covers

I love this slide show in which rock albums are reimagined as book covers. This article appeared in Mother Jones. When you go through the Slide Show, take note that many of the 'covers' are cast as classic crime fiction.

"What if your favorite rock album was a book? Christophe Gowans was wondering the same thing. "I got to thinking, well, what would those records look like if they actually were books, if the name of the album was actually the title of a novel or reference book?" Gowans, a graphic designer who lives in London, did just that, reimagining everything from Air to Zeppelin as something you might find on your shelf or in a used bookstore. After creating the covers, he digitally ages them—"I know my way round a retouch or two"—to look as well-loved as the LP sleeves and CD booklets that accompany their musical originals."

Read the article and see the Slide Show here (Mother Jones)

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