Saturday, April 25, 2020

Cartoon of the Day: Quarantine Life

Thanks to Chantelle Aimee Osman for alerting me to this cartoon! I know this is ME! Is it you?


Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Totally! LOL!

Priscilla said...

The cats get the kisses...

Diane said...

I absolutely agree about the hair! 🤣

Marty Knox said...

Eating leftovers of leftovers because you don't want to waste food. Chocolate check. dog check. snoopy shirt check. math socks check. coffee!!!!!!!!!~! check. writers' block massive check-I need people to watch and my little local cafe and library. Hair-my daughter gave me a corona cut and my grandaughter did my Freda Kahlo eyebrows. Thank goodness one of my writer friends sent me super duper hand lotion-thanks Terry. Gone through a gallon of dawn-replicating Lady Macbeth. Spent $5.35 on 6 weeks' worth of gas for my car.- Post Office and Dollar Store two times.