member booksellers have most enjoyed selling. The Dilys Award is named
in honor of Dilys Winn, the founder of the first specialty bookseller of
mystery books in the United States, and is presented at the Left Coast
Crime mystery convention.
2010 Dilys Nominees (for books published in 2009)
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
A Quiet Belief in Angels by R.J. Ellory
The Dark Horse by Craig Johnson
The Girl Who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson
The Ghosts of Belfast by Stuart Neville
The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny
The Shanghai Moon by S.J. Rozan
Congratulations to all!
Hi Janet,
Thanks for the info , but sorry should this not be 2010?
Thanks, Ayo, meant the 2010 for books written in 2009. Mea culpa!
Hooray for Louise Penny! FANTASTIC writer!
I've read only 3 of the books. (So many books, so little time!) One of them I totally agree deserves the nomination (and award). Another deserved the nomination and probably will win (but it was a bit too graphically violent for my taste.) The third ... blech. It's one of those books I can't believe ever got published. I almost didn't finish it. (And I've gotten a completion fetish. If I start a book, I have to finish it.)
So now I need to know. :-) I no longer feel I have to finish a book. It was a difficult change, but I get so much more reading done. Before I bogged down by not reading the book because I wasn't liking it. Now I put it down and pick up another right away.
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