Monday, March 14, 2011

Penny Warner: Guest Post on How to Survive a Killer Seance

Today I welcome back Penny Warner, party planner and mystery author. I saw that Penny set her latest Presley Park Event Planner novel at the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, and I knew I wanted her to guest blog about it. I've done multiple mystery events (Murder on the Menu) at the Winchester Mystery House, and I can tell you first hand, it's just perfect for a 'murder' and a 'seance'. It's one of the most unique and quirky places.

Give-away: Penny Warner is offering two prizes 1) a signed copy of How to Survive a Killer Seance. 2) a CSI-style evidence bag (great for keeping your lunch safe in the community fridge at work).  Make a comment below about Seances, Penny Warner, Winchester Mystery House, or why you would like one of the Giveaways. Winner will be picked by random system. I'll post the two winners here on 3/16. Be sure and stop back to check. At that time I'll need your address. Thanks.


Thanks for letting me party on your blog. I've written a lot of how-to party books so I thought it would be fun to have a party planner solve mysteries, the way she solves problems throughout an event. And what better place to discover a major party foul --a murder--than at a party, especially when it's set at a famous "haunted house."

HOW TO SURVIVE A KILLER SÉANCE, the third book in the Presley Parker Event Planner mystery series, is set at the Winchester Mystery House—the perfect place for a murder, don’t you think? Her newest gig is a séance party where her client, Jonathan Ellington, plans to use the event to unveil his new “4-D” holographic technology. His goal—to bring former owner Sarah Winchester “back from the dead.”

Naturally the stunt backfires when a disembodied voice accuses Ellington of infidelity in front of his wife and business associates. Before you can say “Eeny meeny jelly beany, the spirits are about to speak,” (Bullwinkle the Moose), the techie who’s monitoring the holograph is found murdered. Suspicion falls on Ellington, but as Presley tries to get at the truth, she doesn’t need a Ouija board to tell her someone wants to scare her to death…

I like Presley because, like me, she has a sense of humor in the face of danger, she has a touch of attention deficit disorder (Look! There’s a squirrel!) and she thinks she can tell a lot about a person by the shoes they wear (I wear Mary Janes, which obviously means I never grew up....)

Of course, Presley is a lot braver than I am. She isn't afraid to snoop anywhere, not even in a 160-room haunted house. Me, I'd call the police. But she's smart when she gets into trouble, thanks to the luxury of a pre-plotted story and always has something handy when she finds herself in trouble. I never seem to have anything I need handy when I need it in an emergency. And I wish I had somebody carefully plotting my life….



Gigi Pandian said...

This books sounds like such fun -- really, what could be cooler than a seance at the haunted Winchester Mystery House? -- so I've already ordered my copy :)

But if I end up being one of the lucky winners, the copy will go to my mom, who's also fascinated with Sarah Winchester and her house that she could never bring herself to stop building.

Amy Pabalan said...

I just saw Ms. Warner's books at Barnes and Noble this morning, and now I come across this via Facebook. I suppose the spirits are trying to tell me to pick up her books. I better listen. :-)

Janet Rudolph said...

Sounds like it, Amy, be sure and stop back on Wednesday, March 16.

Penny said...

Hi Gigi!
I hope you're a winner so your mom can read the book.
Thanks for your kind comments!

Penny said...

Hi Amy,
It was so nice of you to stop by B&N in Colma! My next book, HOW TO PARTY WITH KILLER VAMPIRES, is set there and due out in August!
Hope to see you again!
The spirits are definitely speaking to you.

Penny said...

Hi Janet,
Thanks so much for letting me "haunt" your site.
I'm thrilled to be here!

Janet Rudolph said...

Looking forward to How to Party with Killer Vampires. Did you see this post on parties in cemeteries?

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I know nothing about the Winchester House and haven't read Penny Warner, so I should probably win. Heh heh.

pennyt said...

I'm a huge cozy mystery fan and love mysteries set in historical settings. I started reading your books with the Connor Westphal series and think I've read and enjoyed all your books since then.

pennyt at hotmail dot com

Kuzlin said...

Sounds great! I love haunted house mysteries.

Anonymous said...

What a fun setting for such a story. Hope I win!

boots9k at wowway dot com

Unknown said...

I love this series and I adore the Connor Westphal series (want more!). I could mention the exciting weekend we had here in the islands, but I consider us lucky. Keep the great books coming!

Unknown said...

I loved this series and adore the Connor Westphal books (want more!). I could mention the exciting Friday we had here on Oahu, but we were amazingly fortunate. Keep the great books coming!

Gram said...

Sound like a fun read to me...Thanks for writing . Dee

Diane said...

Your book sounds wonderful and I plan to check it out! In my first manuscript I had the protagonist visit with a medium. It was such fun to write. I can't wait to read yours.

Trudy said...

I used to do seances (very obviously "fake and fradulent") for living history events--what better than to include a murder mystery!!

Penny said...

Hi Janet,
I LOVED your post on cemetery parties. Saved it, in case I decide to host another theme party...
Thanks, Penny

Penny said...

HI Patti,
I think you'll find the house as fascinating as I do. And the perfect place for a murder....

Penny said...

Hi Kuzlin,
Me too. My first short story was about a witch in a haunted house. May sound corny now, but I was only nine, and it was published in the local newspaper - what a thrill!

Penny said...

Hi Shirley,
I hope you win too!
If you want the free party favors -- evidence bag, mini-ouija board, magnetic bookmark -- that accompany the book, just send me your mailing address.

Penny said...

Hi Cynthia,
Glad you're safe.
thanks for the kind words.

Penny said...

Hi Dee,
It was so fun to write! Exploring that 160-room house with twisting staircases, hallways that lead nowhere, secret rooms, listening tubes....A Nancy Drew dream come true.

Penny said...

Hi Dee,
It was so fun to write! Exploring that 160-room house with twisting staircases, hallways that lead nowhere, secret rooms, listening tubes....A Nancy Drew dream come true.

Penny said...

Hi Diane,
I'd love to read YOUR book - sounds spirited....

Penny said...

Trudy, I would have LOVED to have consulted you! There's a full "Seance Party" at the back of the book you might enjoy...

Shirley Wetzel said...

I just finished reading the copy I got to review for, and loved it. I've always been fascinated with the story of the Winchester House, and enjoyed taking a tour as seen through Presley's eyes.

I would like having a CSI lunchbag - it would make me the coolest librarian in the building!

Penny said...

Hi Shirley,
Give me your mailing address and I'll send you the party favors.
I'm at