Saturday, July 31, 2021
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Best Crime Fiction
- Consolation (Garry Disher, Text)
- Gathering Dark (Candice Fox, Penguin)
- A Testament of Character (Sulari Gentill, Pantera)
- The Survivors (Jane Harper, Pan)
- The Good Turn (Dervla McTiernan, HarperCollins)
- Tell Me Lies (J P Pomare, Hachette)
- When She Was Good (Michael Robotham, Hachette)
- White Throat (Sarah Thornton, Text)
Best Debut Crime Fiction
- The Good Mother (Rae Cairns, Bandrui Publishing)
- The Second Son (Lorraine Peck, Text)
- The Bluffs (Kyle Perry, PRH)
- The Night Whistler (Greg Woodlands, Text)
Best True Crime
- The Husband Poisoner (Tanya Bretherton, Hachette)
- Stalking Claremont: Inside the hunt for a serial killer (Bret Christian, HarperCollins)
- Public Enemies (Mark Dapin, A&U)
- Hazelwood (Tom Doig, Viking)
- Witness (Louise Milligan, Hachette)
Best International Cime Fiction
- The Guest List (Lucy Foley, HarperCollins)
- The Secrets of Strangers (Charity Norman, A&U)
- Take Me Apart (Sara Sligar, Text)
- We Begin at the End (Chris Whittaker, A&U)
- Broken (Don Winslow, HarperCollins).
Established in 1995, the Ned Kelly Awards are Australia’s oldest, most prestigious awards honoring crime fiction and true crime writing.
For more information about the 2021 shortlists, go to the ACWA website.
Mo Hayder: R.I.P.
From The Bookseller:
“It is with much sadness that we announce that Clare Dunkel died yesterday morning,” her publisher Century announced on 28th July. “Clare was diagnosed with motor neurone disease on 22nd December. She fought valiantly, but the disease progressed at an alarming rate. She leaves behind a husband and daughter.” The 59-year-old lived in England's West Country and was a full-time writer.
The news comes four months after it was announced she was turning her attention from crime fiction to speculative thrillers with a switch from long-time publisher Bantam Press to Century. “Most recently, Clare had started a brand new series in a new genre, which she was very excited about,” Century said. “Writing as Theo Clare, The Book of Sand will be published posthumously by Century in early 2022. It is set in an alternate universe where nothing is quite as it seems.”
Dunkel had said of the book: “It has taken me four years to finish it… I am so happy to be writing fiction set in an entirely imaginative universe of my own creation.”
Writing as Mo Hayder, Dunkel published 10 novels with Transworld's Bantam Press over the past 21 years. Her fifth novel, Ritual, was nominated for the Barry Award for Best Crime 2009 and was voted Best Book of 2008 by Publishers Weekly. Gone, her seventh novel, won the Edgar Allan Poe Award, and her novel Wolf was nnominated for Best Novel in the 2015 Edgar Awards and is currently being adapted for the BBC. In 2011 she was awarded the Crime Writers' Association Dagger in the Library award for an outstanding body of work.Altogether she has sold 1.2 million books in the UK for £6.17m through Nielsen BookScan; her UK bestseller is Gone, which has sold 143,580 copies in paperback since 2010.
Read more Here:
Monday, July 26, 2021
Private Eye Writers of America Shamus Award Winners 2021
Best Original Private Eye Paperback
Brittle Karma by Richard Helms / Black Arch Books
Best Private Eye Short Story
“Mustang Sally” by John M. Floyd in Black Cat Mystery Magazine
Best Private Eye Novel
Blind Vigil by Matt Coyle / Oceanview
Best First Private Eye Novel
The Missing American by Kwei Quartey / Soho
The Eye, the PWA Life Achievement Award, was given to Michael Z. Lewin
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Saturday, July 24, 2021
In addition, Ian Rankin and Mark Billingham were names as recipients of the Theakston Old Peculier Outstanding Contribution to Crime Fiction Award for 2021, and 2020.
HT: The Rap Sheet
Friday, July 23, 2021
Bouchercon 2021 will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana, August 25-29.
Here's an update from Bouchercon 2021 on COVID:
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Cartoon of the Day: The Purchase
Reign still doesn't need this purchase. She has no problem jumping up on the bed and standing up to counter-surf. Of course, she's a big dog, a golden retriever. No Dogs on the Bed! Ha!
William F. Nolan: R.I.P.
William F. Nolan, author, screenwriter, artist, and fan, passed away on July 15 at the age of 93. Perhaps best known for co-writing Logan's Run with the late George Clayton John, William F. Nolan wrote hundreds of stories in the science fiction, fantasy, horror, and crime fiction genres.
As a noted pulp historian, he was a
recognized authority on Black Mask, Dashiell Hammett, and "Max Brand"
(Frederick Faust). Nolan has edited six collections of Faust tales, has
written Max Brand: Western Giant, and was the author of the biography King of the Pulps: The Man Who Was Max Brand. Nolan's
historical anthology, The Black Mask Boys, is the key work on the
legendary magazine - and he's written three books on Dashiell Hammett,
plus several pieces on the early pulp fiction of his longtime pal, Ray
He received a Lifetime Achievement Award
for his contributions to Dark Fantasy. Nolan lived in Vancouver, Washington, in an apartment "full of books, pulp magazines, and stuffed animals."
Read an obituary in File 770: Mike Glyer's News of SF Fandom.
Monday, July 19, 2021
The International Association of Crime Writers, North America announced the 2020 Hammett Prize Winner. The Hammett Prize is given for literary Excellence in Crime Writing
When These Mountains Burn by David Joy
Set in western North Carolina in the area of the Cherokee reservation, the novel tells the story of an elderly father’s attempt to rescue his son from the plague of addiction that has afflicted so much of rural America. Fierce and tough, the novel shows powerful and tender emotions corrupted and made explosive. Yet it is more than a thriller, casting a cold eye on the difficult social situation, while (as one of the judges observed) giving the reader moments of brilliant writing on almost every page.
Murder In Old Bombay by Nev March (Minotaur) Based on a true story, in 1892 a soldier recovering from wounds investigates a murder.
The Mountains Wild by Sarah Stewart Taylor (Minotaur) A New York detective revisits the disappearance of her cousin in Ireland two decades ago.
Three Hours in Paris by Cara Black (Soho) In World War II, a young female sniper is sent to Paris to assassinate the Führer.
When These Mountains Burn by David Joy (Putnam) A father in Appalachia confronts the opioid epidemic in an attempt to rescue his son.
Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden (Ecco) Vigilante Virgil Wounded Horse investigates the spread of heroin on the reservation.
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Saturday, July 17, 2021
2021 AGATHA AWARD WINNERS: More Than Malice!

Best Contemporary Novel
All the Devils are Here by Louise Penny (Minotaur)
Best Historical Novel
The Last Mrs. Summers by Rhys Bowen (Berkeley)
Best First Novel
Murder at the Mena House by Erica Ruth Neubauer (Kensington)
Best Short Story
"Dear Emily Etiquette" by Barb Goffman (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Sep/Oct)
Best Non-Fiction
Phantom Lady: Hollywood Producer Joan Harrison, the Forgotten Woman Behind Hitchcock by Christina Lane (Chicago Review Press)
Best Children's/YA
Holly Hernandez and the Death of Disco by Richard Narvaez (Piñata Books)
Congratulations to all of the winners!
The Agatha Awards were presented during MORE THAN MALICE, an online virtual crime festival this weekend. All the panels and special events have been recorded and will be available to registered participants for a few weeks. You can still register to view the great panels!
TRYING SOMETHING NEW WITH SOMETHING OLD: Guest Post by Kathy Lynn Emerson aka Kaitlyn Dunnett
Kathy Lynn Emerson (aka Kaitlyn Dunnett):
Trying Something New With Something Old
I never seriously considered self-publishing until Covid-19 hit. Suddenly, as a person in her seventies, I had to face the fact that I was in the "high risk" category. That made me think about the body of work I'd leave behind if I was one of the victims of the pandemic. Not the sixty-three (sixty-four with Murder, She Edited in August) traditionally published books under various names in several genres. They're out there if anyone wants to read them and, thanks to the e-book revolution, are likely to stay available after I'm gone. No, my concern was for the other novels I've written over the course of a forty-year career, the ones no one but me seemed to love, the ones editors, even those who liked my writing, didn't think were commercial enough to be worth publishing.
There were also two nonfiction projects I hoped would survive me. One was the biography I wrote of my grandfather way back in 1980. Using his diaries and memoirs and writing on a manual typewriter, I put together The Life of a Plodder (his title) and made Xerox copies for family members. I also sent one to the local historical society, since Grampa's story included a lot of local history (and local gossip) from the 1880s to the 1960s. After computers replaced typewriters and webpages became part of every professional writer's life, I revised and updated this manuscript and made it available online, but it wasn't until 2020 that it occurred to me that an e-book would be a better way to make sure the contents stay available for any local history buffs or genealogists who might be interested.
The Life of a Plodder would probably have been my only self-published book if I hadn't discovered how easy the process of producing e-books and print-on-demand paperbacks has become. By the end of 2020, I'd also self-published six books I wrote for children ages eight to twelve (four reissues and two originals) and my A Who's Who of Tudor Women, the other nonfiction project. This behemoth is only available as an e-book because in a print edition it would be nearly 1800 pages in length. Like The Life of a Plodder, that material was originally online at one of my websites, growing larger every time I researched a new historical mystery and discovered more potential entries among the real Englishwomen of the sixteenth century.
By the time those books had been launched into the world, my immediate demise was looking much less likely. I hadn't done much by way of promotion, since my focus had been on revising, proofing, and formatting. I soon discovered that getting the word out is easier said than done, especially when I'm not someone who is particularly good at tooting my own horn. That's when serendipity came into play.
For nearly ten years, I've blogged twice a week at In Blog #250, I broached the idea of collecting some of them into a book. It didn't take much encouragement from readers to convince me that I should go ahead with that plan, and before long I'd selected 115 blogs and started sorting them into subject areas. I didn't have far to look for a title. I used the same one I attached to my very first Maine Crime Writers post: I Kill People for a Living. The subtitle is A Collection of Essays by a Writer of Cozy Mysteries. The blogs, with editing (my own and that done by a professional editor) are now essays.As I had for the other self-published books, I hired a cover designer, although I provided the photographs he used. The result preserves more of my work for posterity (that legacy thing again) but it also helps with self-promotion. You see, many of the essays relate to writing, often using my own books as examples. With luck, people who read them will be inspired to delve into my backlist.
Or they can just enjoy my take on such diverse topics as oddities in my home state of Maine, climbing my family tree, strange fan mail, technophobia, and (of course) living with cats.
Kathy Lynn Emerson won the Agatha Award and was an Anthony and Macavity finalist for best mystery nonfiction of 2008 for How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries and was the Malice Domestic Guest of Honor in 2014. As Kaitlyn Dunnett, she writes the "Deadly Edits" cozy mystery series (Murder, She Edited). Her websites are and
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
MYSTERIES SET IN FRANCE: Mystery Readers Journal: Bastille Day!
- A Brief Panorama of Early French Crime Fiction by Jean-Marc Lofficier
- Sex and the Country: Some Thoughts on Pierre Magnan by Peter Rozovsky
- An Interview with Sîan Reynolds by Peter Rozovsky
- My Affair With the Birthplace of Crime Fiction by Bernadette Bean
- Tale of Two Dominiques by Cary Watson
- The Father of the Detective Story: Emile Gaboriau by Nina Cooper

- Passion, Bloodshed, Desire, and Death by Susanne Alleyn
- How I Got Into My Life of Crime French Style by Cara Black
- Honest! I Was in Paris Working Very Hard! by Rick Blechta
- Having a Nice Time? by Rhys Bowen
- Inspector Aliette Nouvelle by John Brooke
- The French Adventure of a Full-time Lawyer and Part-time Fool by Alan Gordon
- Escape From Paris by Carolyn Hart
- Maggie MacGowen Goes to France by Wendy Hornsby
- France on Berlin Time by J. Robert Janes
- Experiencing Provence by M.L. Longworth
- Writing a French Police Series by Adrian Magson
- France, the Write Country by Peter May
- Travel + Fiction: You Want to Go There by Lise McClendon
- Hemingway's Paris Remains 'A Moveable Feast' by Craig McDonald
- Inspired by the "Where" by Tom Mitcheltree
- It's All About Me? by Sharan Newman
- Drinking Tea From a Bowl: Getting France Right by D-L Nelson
- Mysteries Set in France: Vive la Différence! by Katherine Hall Page
- Provence—To Die For by Renée Paley-Bain
- Mick Jagger, Kirs Royales, and Paris by P.J. Parrish
- Paris Shadows by M.J. Rose
- Diplomatic Mystery by William S. Shepard
- Alpine Beach: My French Connection by Susan Steggall
- She Lost Her Head in La Belle France by Nancy Means Wright
- Crossword: The French Connection by Verna Suit
- Mystery in Retrospect: Reviews by Lesa Holstine, L.J. Roberts, Alana White, Marlyn Beebe
- Children's Hour: Where's Madeleine? by Gay Toltl Kinman
- In Short: Glimpses of France by Marvin Lachman
- The Art of French Crime by Cathy Pickens
- Crime Seen: Le Crime Vu by Kate Derie
- Mysteries Set in France by British Authors by Philip Scowcroft
- From the Editor's Desk by Janet A. Rudolph
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Lots of great shows coming up on PBS Masterpiece Mystery! Here's a preview. Check your local station for times, but if you have PBS Passport, you can binge watch them all. Of course, you'll need to wait until the first episode of each series goes up, but that's still great! Happy Viewing.
Get a glimpse at the new seasons of Mystery! Favorites like Grantchester, Unforgotten, and Baptiste, plus the newest series Guilt, all coming in 2021.
Monday, July 12, 2021
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Saturday, July 10, 2021
ITW Thriller Award Winners 2021
Congratulations to the Winners of the 2021 International Thriller Writers Awards:
Best Hardcover: Blacktop Wasteland by S.A. Cosby (Flatiron Books)
Best First Novel: Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden (Ecco)
Best Original Paperback: What Lies Between Us by John Marrs (Thomas & Mercer)
Best Short Story: "Rent Due" by Alan Orloff in Mickey Finn 21st Century Noir (Down & Out Books)
Best Young Adult Novel: Throwaway Girls by Andrea Contos (Kids Can Press)
Best E-Book Original Novel: A Killing Game by Jeff Buick (Novel Words)
HISTORICAL MYSTERIES II: Mystery Readers Journal (37:2)
Historical Mysteries II
Volume 37, No. 2, Summer 2021
Buy this back issue! Available in hardcopy or as a downloadable PDF.
- Joe Gores’ Dashiell Hammett by Catherine Accardi
- Ireland in the 1930s and 40s in Michael Russell’s Stefan Gillespie Novels by David Clark
- History, Mystery & the Female Protagonist by Vinnie Hansen
- Megan Abbott and the Evolution of Noir by Sean Day
- Epochal or Historical? It’s Still a Mystery! by Chiara Giacobbe
- Music Defines a Decade by Sandra Murphy
- Not Another 1920s Mystery by Saffron Amatti
- The Primary Reasons I Like Primary Sources by Anne Louise Bannon
- Keeping it Real: The Challenge of Writing a Strong Historical Heroine by Mally Becker
- The Case of the Missing River-Map by J. F. Benedetto
- Who’s Hiding In That Ancient House? by Cordelia Frances Biddle
- Mysteries Set in Places with History by Suzanne J. Bratcher
- Keeping it Fresh: Writing a Long Running Historical Series by Emily Brightwell
- Searching for the Roots of History by Rebecca Cantrell
- Hands, Hearts and History by Charles Colley
- “And Put a Crime in It…” by Ruth Downie
- Excavations of Violence: Why History Makes the Best Mystery by Mariah Fredericks
- Should I Tinker with the Facts? by Jim Fusilli
- The Art and Madness of Writing Historical Mystery Novels by Harald Gilbers
- Pirates Make Unreliable Witnesses by Steve Goble
- “Historical Fiction” Is an Oxymoron by Hal Glatzer
- Writing the Stories I Love to Read by Anna Lee Huber
- Travelling Through Time with Sherlock Holmes by Robert J. Harris
- The Mystery Inside “The Baptism” by Gerald Everett Jones
- A Lady and a Swordsman by Kathleen Marple Kalb
- History as a Red Herring by Ron Katz
- It’s Not My Fault I Write Historical Mysteries by Ken Kuhlken
- Hunting Hitler in Hollywood by Susan Elia MacNeal
- My Family Secret: An Eyewitness to India’s Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 by Nev March
- What’s Really Inside the Carnival in Not Like Us by Darrin McGraw and Robert McGraw
- Imagining History: Writing Death on the Homefront by Frances McNamara
- Accidental Chronicler by Catriona McPherson
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mystery by Timothy Miller
- Writing What You Don’t Know But Can Research by Sandra Murphy
- San Francisco’s Cliff House: The History (and the Mystery) by Ann Parker
- The Art of Creating an Historical Heroine by Andrea Penrose
- A Talking Snake and Other Mysteries by Mary Reed and Eric Mayer
- Two Authors in Search of Ideas by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
- Haunted by History by Erika Robuck
- The Responsibilities of Historical Fiction by Kelli Stanley
- The Thousand Piece Puzzle by Susan Tornga
- Recreating the Past by Sylvia Maultash Warsh
- Closer Than You Think by Clare Whitfield
- An Unlikely Home to Criminal Debuts by Gabriel Valjan
- Helen of Troy—Just Another Pretty Face? by N. S. Wikarski
- The Past Isn’t Dead, It Isn’t Even Past by Kenneth Wishnia
- From True Crime to Historical Mystery by W.A. Winter
- Mystery in Retrospect: Reviews by Benjamin L. Clark, Lesa Holstine, Peter Handel, Amy Renshaw, L.J. Roberts, Lucinda Surber
- Children’s Hour: Historical Mysteries by Gay Toltl Kinman
- Crime Seen: History Mystery Around the World by Kate Derie
- Real History Mysteries by Cathy Pickens
- In Short: History Mystery by Marv Lachman
- From the Editor’s Desk by Janet A. Rudolph
SUBSCRIBE to Mysteries Readers Journal for 2021.
Themes in 2021: History Mysteries 1; History Mysteries 2; Texas; Cold Cases.
Call for articles: We're looking for reviews, articles, and Author! author! essays. Review: 50-150 words, articles, 500-1000 words. Author Essays: 500-1000 words, first person, upclose and personal about yourself, your books, and the "theme" connection. Deadline for Texas: July 20, 2021.
Send queries to Janet Rudolph: janet @ mysteryreaders . org
Friday, July 9, 2021
Last Call for Articles: Texas Mysteries: Mystery Readers Journal: Articles, Reviews, Author Essays

The next issue of Mystery Readers Journal will focus on Texas Mysteries. We're looking for Reviews, Articles, and Author! Author! essays.
Reviews: 50-250 words; Articles: 250-1000 words; Author! Author! essays: 500-1000 words.
Author Author! Essays are first person, about yourself, your books, and your unique take on "Texas Mysteries." Think of it as chatting with friends and other writers in the bar or cafe (or on Zoom) about your work and your 'Historical Mystery' connection. Add a title and 2-3 sentence bio/tagline.
Deadline: July 20, 2021
Here's a link to Mystery Readers Journal past themed issues.
Send to: Janet Rudolph, Editor. janet @
Please forward this request to anyone you think should be included.
Subscribe to Mystery Readers Journal. Themes in 2021 (Volume 37): History Mysteries 1; History Mysteries 2; Texas; and Cold Cases.
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
STRANGE BEGINNINGS: Or my Week in Another World: Guest Post by Kathryn Casey
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Maltese Falcon Award: Japan
Monday, July 5, 2021
Saturday, July 3, 2021
VINTAGE POSTCARDS: Fourth of July Children with Fireworks!!
Friday, July 2, 2021
CWA Dagger Award Winners 2021
Gold Dagger: We Begin at the End, by Chris Whitaker (Zaffre)
Ian Fleming Steel Dagger: When She Was Good, by Michael Robotham (Sphere)
John Creasey (New Blood) Dagger: The Creak on the Stairs, by Eva Björg Ægisdóttir (Orenda)
Sapere Books Historical Dagger: Midnight at Malabar House, by Vaseem Khan (Hodder & Stoughton)
ALCS Gold Dagger for Non-fiction: Written in Bone: Hidden Stories in What We Leave Behind, by Sue Black (Doubleday)
Crime Fiction in Translation Dagger: The Disaster Tourist, by Yun Ko-eun, translated by Lizzie Buehler (Serpent’s Tail)
Short Story Dagger: “Monsters,” by Clare Mackintosh (from First Edition: Celebrating 21 Years of Goldsboro Books, edited by David Headley and Daniel Gedeon; The Dome Press)
Dagger in the Library (“for a body of work by an established crime writer that has long been popular with borrowers from libraries”): Peter May
Publishers’ Dagger (“awarded annually to the Best Crime and Mystery Publisher of the Year”): Head of Zeus
CWA Debut Dagger (for as-yet-unpublished novels): Deception, by Hannah Redding. Highly commended: Underwater, by Fiona McPhillips
Martina Cole received the 2021 Diamond Dagger award for lifetime achievement.
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Fourth of July Mysteries/ July 4th Crime Fiction

Fourth of July is the focus of this updated list of Fourth of July Crime Fiction. Even if you're not celebrating Independence Day, you can celebrate this great group of mysteries! Something for everyone's taste!
And don't miss my Summertime Mysteries List, Summer Sleuthing: Lazy, Hazy, Murderous Days of Summer! Have a great Independence Day!
As always, let me know if I've missed any titles. This is an updated list.
Fourth of July Mysteries
The Fourth of July Wake by Harold Adams
Sweet Tea and Secrets by Joy Avon
Murder on Parade by Donald Bain (as Jessica Fletcher)
Home of the Brave by Donna Ball
Bomb Pop Threat by Christy Barritt
Hair of the Dog by Laurien Berenson
Murder by Fireworks by Susan Bernhardt
Jealousy Filled Donuts by Ginger Bolton
Plot Boiler by Ali Brandon
The Cat Who Went Underground by Lilian Jackson Braun
Rockets' Red Glare by Lynn Cahoon
The Chocolate Frog Frame-Up by JoAnna Carl
Gone with the Whisker by Laurie Cass
Dead on the 4th of July by Meg Chittenden
Someone to Watch Over Me by Jill Churchill
Independence Day by Anne-Marie Clark
Twanged by Carol Higgins Clark
Oh Say Can You Fudge by Nancy Coco
BlackBuried Pie by Lyndsey Cole
Murder Most Frothy by Cleo Coyle
The Carousel of Death by Elisabeth Crabtree
A Catered Fourth of July by Isis Crawford
Red, White, and Blue Murder by Bill Crider
Firework Fiasco; Fireworks in Paradise by Kathi Daley
Framed and Frosted by Kim Davis
Guilty as Charred by Devon Delaney
Blood Red, White and Blue by Kathleen Delaney
Dead on the Fourth of July by R. E. Derouin
Four Dog's Sake by Lia Farrell
Blackberry Burial by Sharon Farrow
One Fete in the Grave by Vickie Fee
Lemon Meringue Pie Murder by Joanne Fluke
Independence Slay by Shelley Freydont
Booneville Retribution by S. Furlong-Bollinger
Mistaken Identity by Patricia Gligor
Katelyn's Killer by John Gordon
Tool & Die, Triple Witch; Death by Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake by Sarah Graves
Act Of Darkness by Jane Haddam
Bowled Over by Victoria Hamilton
Yankee Doodle Dead; Dead, White and Blue by Carolyn Hart
Past Imperfect by Kathleen Hills
Death of a Cookbook Author by Lee Hollis
The Ghost Who Lied by Bobbie Holmes
The Falls: Fourth of July by George Jackson
Exit Wounds by J. A. Jance
The Fourth of July by J.D. Kincaid
A Star-Spangled Mayfair by Kassandra Lamb
A Timely Vision; A Watery Death by Joyce and Jim Lavene
Silence of the Jams by Gayle Leeson
Die Like a Hero by Clyde Linsley
Knee High by the Fourth of July by Jess Lourey
Dahlias and Death by London Lovett
Death on Nantucket by Francine Mathews
Left Hanging by Patricia McLinn
Star Spangled Murder by Leslie Meier
Cold Hard News by Maureen Milliken
Flag Cake Felonies by Addison Moore
Manic in Christmas River; Mayhem in Christmas River; Mutts & Murder by Meg Muldoon
Bats and Bones Karen Musser Nortman
A Fifth for the 4th of July by Doug Olsen and Julie Gollan
Foal Play by Kathryn O'Sullivan
Iron Ties by Ann Parker
4th of July by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro
The Body in the Birches by Katherine Hall Page
4th of July by James Patterson & Maxine Paetro
King Suckerman by George P. Pelecanos
Can't Never Tell by Cathy Pickens
Three Woofs for the Dead, White and Plus by Laura Quinn
Dead, White, and Blue by Amy M. Reade
Spilling the Spice by Sheri Richey
Firecrackered by Patricia Rockwell
Death by Deep Dish Pie by Sharon Short
The Dam Committee by Earl H. Smith
Killing Grounds by Dana Stabenow
And Four to Go ("Fourth of July Picnic") by Rex Stout
Independence Day Plague by Carla Lee Suson
Doggone Dead by Teresa Trent
Prepped for the Kill by A.E. H. Veenman
The 4th of July Can Be MURDER! by Dianne Warth Vereen
Thread and Gone by Lea Wait
A Medium's 4th of July by Chariss K. Walker and Marty Parker
Independence Day Murder by Linnea West
Some Welcome Home by Sharon Wildwind
Mrs. Morris and the Sorceress by Traci Wilton
Star Spangled Murder by Valerie Wolzien
Embarking on Murder by Sue Owens Wright
Short Stories:
Rex Stout's "Fourth of July Picnic" in Century of Great Suspense Stories, Edited by Jeff Deaver
S. Furlong-Bolliger's "Booneville Retribution: 4th of July Mystery Short Story" in Kings River Life.
A Sparrow Falls Fourth of July in A Sparrow Falls Holiday by Donna McLean
Children’s Mysteries
Fireworks at the FBI (Capital Mysteries Series #6) by Ron Roy, Timothy Bush (Illustrator)
Murder On The Fourth of July by Carolyn Keene
The Philly Fake by David E. Kelly
Calendar Mysteries: July Jitters by Ron Roy and John Steven Gurney
The Fourth of July Fiasco by Jim McNeal
The Case of the July 4th Jinx by Lewis B. Montgomery and Amy Wummer
True Crime:
Death on the Fourth of July: The Story of a Killing, a Betrayal, and Hate Crime in America by David A. Neiwert
As always, I welcome additions and comments.
Have a great holiday!!