Happy Caturday!
Saturday, April 30, 2022
First-place went to Karen Harrington for “Boo Radley College Prep,” that appeared in the January/February 2021 issue of EQMM.
Here are the other award recipients in order.
2. “Demon in the Depths,” by Bill McCormick (September/October)
3. Tie — “Bad Chemistry,” by John Wimer (July/August)
3. Tie — “Black Swallowtail,” by Hollis Seamon (March/April)
4. Tie — “Kiss of Life,” by Doug Allyn (May/June)
4. Tie — “A Season of Night,” by David Dean (May/June)
4. Tie — “Julius Katz and the Two Cousins,” by Dave Zeltserman (July/August)
5. “No Legacy So Rich,” by Anna Scotti (January/February)
6. Tie — “Leap of Faith,” by Marilyn Todd (May/June)
6. Tie — “The Last Man in Lafarge,” by Joseph Walker (July/August)
7. “The Fraud of Dionysus,” by Smita Harish Jain (July/August)
8. “The Lemonade Stand,” by Scott Loring Sanders (January/February)
9. “Curious Incidents,” by Steve Hockensmith (January/February)
10. “The White Star,” by G.M. Malliet (July/August)
Readers Award (aka Readers Choice Award) winner are chosen by the EQMM readership.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
2022 EDGAR AWARDS: Mystery Writers of America
Mystery Writers of America -- 2022 Edgar Allan Poe Award Winners
April 28, 2022, New York, NY - Mystery Writers of America is proud to announce the Winners for the 2022 Edgar Allan Poe Awards, honoring the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction and television published or produced in 2021 The Edgar® Awards were presented at the New York Marriott Marquis Times Square and livestreamed on YouTube.
Five Decembers by James Kestrel (Hard Case Crime)
Deer Season by Erin Flanagan (University of Nebraska Press)
Bobby March Will Live Forever by Alan Parks (Europa Editions – World Noir)
Last Call: A True Story of Love, Lust, and Murder in Queer New York
by Elon Green (Celadon Books)
The Twelve Lives of Alfred Hitchcock: An Anatomy of the Master of Suspense
by Edward White (W.W. Norton & Company)
“The Road to Hana,” Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine by R.T. Lawton (Dell Magazines)
Concealed by Christina Diaz Gonzalez (Scholastic – Scholastic Press)
Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley
(Macmillan Children’s Publishing – Henry Holt and Company BFYR)
“Boots on the Ground” – Narcos: Mexico, Written by Iturri Sosa (Netflix)
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Kneed I Suffer or Laugh: Guest Post by Mike Befeler
MIKE BEFELER: Kneed I Suffer or Laugh
By way of background, I had my third surgery on my knee due to an infection. While in the hospital and first week at home, I was depressed about the whole situation since I needed to be on IV antibiotics and use a walker. Then I reread Victor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. I highly recommend this book. Frankl was in a concentration camp in Europe during WWII. He discovered that although the Nazi’s controlled his existence, when he ate, when he slept, whether he lived or died, the one thing they couldn’t control was his attitude. Even in that horrible situation Frankl learned that he was master of his own attitude.
This helps me to put my situation in perspective, and I realize gratitude for a family assisting me, good medical treatment. I can choose to suffer or laugh about the small absurdities of my life.
Here are some observations:
I drop things, and one night I dreamt that I was playing volleyball and went to hit the ball . . . and actually knocked things off my nightstand.
My memory also drops things from time to time. I was thinking of the play Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat but couldn’t remember the name Joseph. In the middle of the night, I woke up with the name Joseph.
I continue to have my ups and down but have learned to pace myself by doing an activity, then rest, then another activity and another rest.
One thing that improves my attitude is talking to friends on the phone. This gives me an opportunity to think about someone else and experience a few laughs together. I also look forward to a weekly phone call with a good friend who understands human nature and is very wise.
Our six-year-old grandson comes to our house two to three times week after school. His smile and hugs give me joy. After having a snack and doing homework with my wife, my grandson and I play games (he loves Monopoly).
I take naps, some planned and some not. We get the Los Angeles Times as a newspaper, and I enjoy lying in bed and reading it. I did doze off one time half way through the comics.
In spite of all the problems, there are little gifts that appear. Our neighbor is a head nurse for the section of the hospital I was assigned to. I had a single room with a good view and excellent assistance from the nursing staff.
When I bend my knee, it squeaks like a door needing WD40.
As I have become more mobile, my wife and I have been going to the food store. Since I’m more interested in food now, this is an enjoyable experience as I pick out things to eat that I have been craving.
New forms of entertainment: I spend some time trying to find things. One recent example: I couldn’t find the eye drop bottle I keep on my nightstand. I figured I had knocked it off when waving my arm. I looked all around the nightstand, in the drawers, under the bed. Nope, it had vanished. A little later, I had a thought. I have a beach bag on the side of my walker to keep stuff in. I looked in the outer pocket. Nothing. Then I looked into the main part of the bag, and, lo and behold, there was the little bugger. Apparently, I did knock it off the nightstand and somehow it hit the small opening in the bag. My own March madness. I’ve seen my attitude shift when I forget something or drop something. I used to get mad because it took extra effort to correct. Now, I’m more accepting of these incidents. After one recent event, I chuckled and said to myself, “Here I go again.”
After returning home from the hospital, I would wake up and think, “Oh groan. Another day to deal with my stupid knee.” Lately, I’ve awakened and considered what I would be doing during the day and what I have to look forward to.
Rather than complaining about my limitations as I did earlier, I am more often now recognizing my limitations and accepting them.
Small Victories: I finally am able to go to sleep without taking my pain medication. I also have developed routines that keep me off my feet as much as possible so I don’t overdo. I now have more energy to do things such as fix dinner, which takes stress off my wife who suffers from arthritis. Given that my left knee is the bad one, I can now drive again.
The Bottom Line: I will have to go through a fourth surgery in July. Although this thought depresses me, I’m thankful that I’ve been able to control my attitude in a more positive way. I have a daily schedule that includes the early activity of breakfast, cleaning up, doing my physical therapy stretches, brushing my teeth, shaving, taking my IV medication and checking email. Then I rest and read. In the middle of the day, I eat lunch, clean up and take the IV medication. Then I rest, read and nap. At the end of the day, I fix and eat dinner, clean up and take my IV medication. Then I relax, sometimes watching TV before retiring for an early bedtime. My attitude is shifting from “oh, no, not another day with this stupid knee” to “what am I going to learn and achieve today?” I’ve always been an active person, but now realize I don’t have to be busy every moment. Now I’m more mellow, balancing the activity with rest. Finally, what has also helped me is writing about my situation, I keep a notebook with me and jot down observations during the day and sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night.
Mike Befeler is author of 16 novels, a biography of a WWII veteran, and a novella about a young boy's life transforming experience at the beginning of the pandemic. Most of his novels feature older characters and are affectionately referred to as "Geezer-lit mysteries."
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Monday, April 25, 2022
GARDENING MYSTERIES: Mystery Readers Journal
I spent the weekend going to two Garden Tours and working in my own garden planning new beds in a garden extension. It was a beautiful Spring weekend, so it was perfect. Both garden tours were inspiring. So many mysteries are set in gardens, particularly because there are so many ways to do one in what with poisonous plants, garden tools, easy burial plots and so much more!
If you're like-minded, not in the killing, but the reading of garden mysteries, I thought I'd remind you of Mystery Readers Journal: Gardening Mysteries which is still available. Check out the Table of Contents and links below. Great articles and reviews by and about your favorite authors.
Gardening Mysteries (Volume 34:1)
Buy this back issue! Available in hardcopy or as a downloadable PDF.
- Where the Wild Things Are by Meredith Phillips
- Weeds in the Borders by Carol Harper
- Painting the Garden by Kerry J. Charles
- Gardening and Writing: A Natural Enterprise by Susan Wittig Albert
- Fourth-Generation Gardener by Amanda Flower
- Mischief and Mayhem in the Garden by Rosemary Harris
- I Wouldn’t Leave My Little Wooden Hut by Ann Granger
- Crisis and Opportunity by Julie Wray Herman
- Words of Green Wisdom from Mas Arai by Naomi Hirahara
- Signs of Spring by Hart Johnson
- Collecting the Seeds of Stories by Gin Jones
- Mysteries Inspired by Dirty Hands by Meera Lester
- Two-Faced Plants: Gardening, Poisons & Medicines by Linda Lovely
- It’s Not Always Sunny in Philadelphia… by Donna Huston Murray
- The Exploding Compost Heap by Cynthia Riggs
- Gardening and Me by Joyce Olcese
- A Rose Is a Rose — Unless It’s a Poison Apple by Susan C. Shea
- How Does Your Mystery Garden Grow? by Teresa Trent
- The Wrong Thumbs (But At Least They Can Google) by Art Taylor
- Ode to Her Garden by Wendy Tyson
- Volunteers of America by Nathan Walpow
- Trees, Flowers — Murder! by Marty Wingate
- Murder in Retrospect: Reviews by L. J. Roberts and Dru Ann Love
- The Children’s Hour: Garden Mysteries by Gay Toltl Kinman
- In Short: Does Your Garden Grow Mysteries? by Marvin Lachman
- Crime Seen: In the Garden Plot by Kate Derie
- Real Gardening Crimes by Cathy Pickens
- From the Editor’s Desk by Janet A. Rudolph
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Agatha Awards: Malice Domestic 2022
Saturday, April 23, 2022
The Dagger in the Library
Ben Aaronovitch
Lin Anderson
Mark Billingham
Susan Hill
Edward Marston
Kate Rhodes
Cath Staincliffe
Rebecca Tope
Sara Sheridan
Faber & Faber
Harper Fiction
Michael Joseph
Point Blank
Pushkin Vertigo
Raven Books
Thomas & Mercer
Titan Books
The CWA Short Story Dagger
The Clifton Vampire by T E Kinsey
With the Others by T M Logan
When I Grow Up by Robert Scragg
New Tricks by Matt Wesolowski
All from ‘Afraid of the Shadows’
London by Jo Nesbø
From ‘The Jealousy Man and Other Stories’
The Way Of All Flesh by Raven Dane
Blindsided by Caroline England
The Victim by Awais Khan
Flesh of a Fancy Woman by Paul Magrs
Changeling by Bryony Pearce
All from ‘Criminal Pursuits: Crime Through Time’
The Crime Fiction in Translation Dagger
Girls Who Lie by Eva Björg Ægisdóttir (trans Victoria Cribb)
Hotel Cartagena by Simone Buchholz (trans Rachel Ward)
Riccardino by Andrea Camilleri, (trans Stephen Sartarelli)
Seat 7a by Sebastian Fitzek (trans Steve Anderson)
Bullet Train by Kōtarō Isaka (trans Sam Malissa):
Heatwave by Victor Jestin (trans Sam Taylor)
Oxygen by Sacha Naspini (trans Clarissa Botsford)
People Like Them by Samira Sedira (trans Lara Vergnaud)
The Rabbit Factor by Antti Tuomainen, (trans David Hackston)
The Scorpion's Head by Hilde Vandermeeren (trans Laura Watkinson)
The ALCS Gold Dagger for Non-Fiction
The Devil You Know by Gwen Adshead & Eileen Horne:
The Jigsaw Murders by Jeremy Craddock
What Lies Buried by Kerry Daynes
The Good Girls by Sonia Faleiro
We Are Bellingcat by Eliot Higgins
The Irish Assassins by Julie Kavanagh
Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe
The Disappearance of Lydia Harvey by Julia Laite
The Unusual Suspect by Ben Machell
The Dublin Railway Murder by Thomas Morris
The Seven Ages of Death by Richard Shepherd
The CWA Historical Dagger
April in Spain by John Banville
City of Vengeance by DV Bishop
Sunset Swing by Ray Celestin
Crow Court by Andy Charman
Not One Of Us by Alis Hawkins
The Drowned City by KJ Maitland
Where God Does Not Walk by Luke McCallin
Edge of the Grave by Robbie Morrison
A Corruption of Blood by Ambrose Parry
Blackout by Simon Scarrow
The Royal Secret by Andrew Taylor
The Cannonball Tree Mystery by Ovidia Yu
The CWA John Creasey (New Blood) Dagger
Welcome to Cooper by Tariq Ashkanani
Sixteen Horses by Greg Buchanan
Repentance by Eloísa Díaz
Hunted by Antony Dunford
The Mash House by Alan Gillespie
Raft of Stars by Andrew J Graff
The Appeal by Janice Hallett
Falling by TJ Newman
Where Ravens Roost by Karin Nordin
The Stoning by Peter Papathanasiou
How to Kidnap the Rich by Rahul Raina
The Death of Kirti Kadakia by Meeti Shroff-Shah
The Source by Sarah Sultoon
Waking the Tiger by Mark Wightman
The Ian Fleming Steel Dagger
A Man Named Doll by Jonathan Ames
Find You First by Linwood Barclay
Exit by Belinda Bauer
The Pact by Sharon Bolton
The Devil’s Advocate by Steve Cavanagh
Sunset Swing by Ray Celestin
Razorblade Tears by S A Cosby
Dead Ground by M W Craven
The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz
Dream Girl by Laura Lippman
Rizzio by Denise Mina
The Lonely Ones by Håkan Nesser
The CWA Gold Dagger
Next of Kin by Kia Abdullah
The Christmas Murder Game by Alexandra Benedict
Rabbit Hole by Mark Billingham:
City of Vengeance by DV Bishop:
Before You Knew My Name by Jacqueline Bublitz
Sunset Swing by Ray Celestin: Sunset Swing
Razorblade Tears by SA Cosby
The Last Thing to Burn by Will Dean
The House Uptown by Melissa Ginsburg
The Unwilling by John Hart
A Slow Fire Burning by Paula Hawkins
Lightseekers by Femi Kayode
I Know What I Saw by Imran Mahmood:
The Shadows of Men by Abir Mukherjee
The Killing Hills by Chris Offutt
The Stoning by Peter Papathanasiou:
The Trawlerman by William Shaw
Daughters of Night by Laura Shepherd-Robinson:
A Beginner's Guide to Murder by Rosalind Stopps
Brazilian Psycho by Joe Thomas
HT: Shots: Crime & Thriller Ezine
The Dark Hours, by Michael Connelly (Little, Brown)
Razorblade Tears, by S.A. Cosby (Flatiron)
The Collective, by Alison Gaylin (Morrow)
Velvet Was the Night, by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (Del Rey)
Friday, April 22, 2022
EARTH DAY: Environmental/Ecological Mysteries 2022
Earth Day: Climate change, environmental issues, and how we can save our planet. A few years ago I started posting a list of environmental/ecological mysteries. The list has grown. Crime fiction is an excellent way to make readers aware of issues.
Mystery Readers Journal (Volume 36:1) focuses on Environmental Mysteries. This issue is available as a PDF download and hardcopy. Take a look at the Table of Contents and order here.
For Earth Day 2022, I updated my Earth Day/Environmental Mysteries list. There are many more authors, and certainly more books by many of the authors on the list. As always, I welcome additions of your favorites. I took a few liberties on the list, too, but I think they all fall under the umbrella of environmental mysteries. Scroll down for a second list that deals exclusively with Drowned Towns aka Reservoir Noir.
Be kind to the Earth. It's the only one we have!
Edward Abbey's The Monkey Wrench Gang' Hayduke Lives!
P.D. Abbey's H2Glo
Liz Adair's Snakewater Affair
Glyyn Marsh Alam's Cold Water Corpse; Bilge Water Bones
Grace Alexander's Hegemon
Lou Allin's Northern Winters Are Murder; Blackflies Are Murder: Memories Are Murder
Christine Andreae's A Small Target
Suzanne Arruda's Stalking Ivory
Sarah Andrews' Em Hansen Mystery series
Lindsay Arthur's The Litigators
Anna Ashwood-Collins' Deadly Resolution; Red Roses for a Dead Trucker
Sandi Ault's Wild Inferno; Wild Indigo; Wild Penance; Wild Sorrow
Shannon Baker's Tainted Mountain; Broken Trust; Tattered Legacy; Skies of Fire
J. G. Ballard's Rushing to Paradise
Michael Barbour's The Kenai Catastrophe; Blue Water, Blue Island
Nevada Barr's Track of the Cat; Ill Wind; Borderline; and others
Lee Barwood's A Dream of Drowned Hollow?
Pamela Beason's Sam Westin wildlife biologist series
Robert P. Bennett's Blind Traveler's Blues
David Riley Bertsch's Death Canyon
Donald J Bingle's GreensWord
Michael Black's A Killing Frost
Jennifer Blake's Shameless
Claire Booth's Another Man's Ground
C J Box's Winterkill; Open Season; Below Zero; Savage Run; Out of Range; Trophy Hunt; Free Fire; In Plain Sight; Dark Sky
Lisa Brackmann's Hour of the Rat
Alex Brett's Dead Water Creek
Tobias S. Buckell's Artic Rising
James Lee Burke's Creole Belle
Rex Burns' Endangered Species
Burrows, Steve's A Siege of Bitterns
David Butler Full Curl; No Place for Wolverines; In Rhino We Trust
Chester Campbell's The Surest Poison
Christine Carbo The Wild Inside, Mortal Fall, The Weight of Night, A Sharp Solitude
Ann Cleeves' Another Man's Poison; Wild Fire; Blue Lightning; The Crow Trap
Eileen Charbonneau's Waltzing in Ragtime
Margaret Coel's The Dream Stalker
Anna Ashwood Collins's Metamorphis for Murder; Deadly Resolutions
Kathleen Concannon's A Deadly Bluff
Robin Cook's Fever
Dawn Corrigan's Mitigating Circumstances
Peter Corris's Deep Water
Donna Cousin's Landscape
Michael Crichton's State of Fear
Rich Curtin's Final Arrangements; Deadly Games
Christine D'Avanzo Cold Blood, Hot Sea; Devil Sea; Secrets Haunt the Lobsters' Sea; Glass Eels, Shattered Sea
Cecil Dawkins' Rare Earth
Janet Dawson's Don't Turn Your Back on the Ocean
Mark de Castrique's Fatal Scores
Barbara Delinsky's Looking for Peyton Place
Lionel Derrick's Death Ray Terror
William Deverell's April Fool
Karen Dionne's Boiling Point; Freezing Point; The Marsh King's Daughter, The Wicked Sister
Paul Doiron's The Poacher's Son; Trespasser; Bad Little Falls; The Bone Orchard; One Last Lie, Almost Midnight, Dead by Dawn, and others
David Michael Donovan's Evil Down in the Alley
Mark Douglas-Home's The Sea Detective
Rubin Douglas' The Wise Pelican: From the Cradle to the Grave
Jack Du Brul's Vulcan's Forge; River of Ruin; and others
Robert Dugoni & Joseph Hilldorfer's Cyanide Canary
Toni Dwiggins' Badwater; Quicksilver
Kerstin Ekman's Blackwater
Aaron J Elkins' The Dark Place; Unnatural Selection
Howard Engel's Dead and Buried
Kathleen Ernst's High Stakes in a Great Lake
Eric C. Evans' Endangered
Nicholas Evans' The Divide
Nancy Fairbanks's Acid Bath; Hunting Game; and others
Kate Fellowes' Thunder in the Night
Cher Fischer's Falling into Green
Bill Fitzhugh's Pest Control; The Exterminators
Michael J. Fitzgerald's The Fracking War
Mary Flodin's The Death of the Gecko
G M Ford's Who in Hell is Wanda Fuca?
Clare Francis's The Killing Winds (Requiem)
Jamie Freveletti's Dead Asleep
Sara Hoskinson Frommer's Death Climbs a Tree
Abby Geni's The Lightkeepers
Jean Craighead George's The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo; Who Really Killed Cock Robin?; The Case of the Missing Cutthroats (young readers)
Matthew Glass's Ultimatum
Kenneth Goddard's Double Blind; Prey; Wildfire
Chris Goff's A Rant of Ravens; Death of a Songbird; A Nest in the Ashes
Jean Craighead George's The Case of the Missing Cutthroats
Steven Gould and Laura J. Mixon's Greenwar
Alexander M. Grace's Hegemon
Scott Graham's Mountain Rampage, Yellowstone Standoff; Mesa Verde Victim
Robert O. Greer's The Devil's Hatband
John Grisham's The Pelican Brief; The Appeal; The Litigators; Gray Mountain
Beth Groundwater's Deadly Currents; Wicked Eddies
Elizabeth Gunn's Eleven Little Piggies
Jean Hager's Ravenmocker
William Hagard's The Vendettists
James W. Hall's Bones of Coral
Patricia Hall's The Poison Pool
Joseph Hall's Nightwork
Karen Hall's Unreasonable Risk, Through Dark Spaces
A.M. Halvorssen's The Dirty Network
Matt Hammond's Milkshake
Vinnie Hansen's Fruit of the Devil
Jane Harper's The Dry; The Lost Man
Alice Henderson's A Solitude of Wolverines, A Blizzard of Polar Bears, and more.
Sue Henry's Termination Dust
Robert Herring's McCampbell's War
Joseph Heywood's Blue Wolf in Green Fire, Ice Hunter, Chasing a Blond Moon; Buckular Dystrophy; Bad Optics
Carl Hiaasen's Skinny Dip; Stormy Weather; Sick Puppy; Strip Tease; Scat; Star Island
Anne Hillerman's Song of the Lion
Tony Hillerman's The Blessing Way
Tami Hoag's Lucky's Lady
John Hockenberry's A River out of Eden
Peter Hoeg's Smilla's Sense of Snow
John Holt's Hunted
Dave Hugelschaffer's Day into Night, One Careless Moment
Judy Hughes' The Snowmobile Kidnapping
Mary Ellen Hughes' A Taste of Death
Dana Andrew Jennings' Lonesome Standard Time
Craig Johnson's Hell is Empty; Dry Bones
Sylvia Kelso's The Solitaire Ghost; The Time Seam
Emily Kimelman's Unleashed
M.T. Kingsley's With Malicious Intent
Henry Kisor's Hang Fire
Linda Kistler's Cause for Concern
Lisa Kleinholz's Dancing with Mr. D.
Bill Knox's The Scavengers, Devilweed, and others in the Webb Carrick series
Dean Koontz's Icebound
William Kent Krueger's "Cork O'Connor" series, including Manitou Canyon, Sulfur Springs
Janice Law's Infected Be the Air
P.J. Lazos' Oil and Water
Leena Lehtolainen's Fatat Headwind
Stephen Legault's The Cardinal Divide, The Glacier Gallows, The Vanishing Track, The Darkening Archipelago
Donna Leon's Death in a Strange Country; About Face; Earthly Remains; Acqua Alta
David Liss' The Ethical Assassin
Sam Llewellyn's Deadeye
Charles & Lidia LoPinto's Countdown in Alaska; Nukes
Robert Lopresti's Greenfellas
Jim Lynch's The Highest Tide
John D MacDonald's Barrier Island (and other titles)
Ross Macdonald's Sleeping Beauty
Jassy Mackenzie's The Fallen
Larry Maness' A Once a Perfect Place
Elizabeth Manz's Wasted Space
John Marsden's A Killing Frost
Margaret Maron's High Country Fall, Shooting at Loons, Up Jumps the Devil, Hard Row
John Martel's Partners
Steve Martini's Critical Mass
Keith McCafferty's The Royal Wulff Murders, Dead Man's Fance; A Death in Eden; The Bangtail Ghost; Buffalo Jump Blues
M.J. McGrath's The Boy in the Snow
John McGoran's Drift, Deadout, Dust Up
Karin McQuillan's Deadly Safari, Cheetah Chase, Elephant's Graveyard
Anne Metikosh's Undercurrent
Deon Meyer's Blood Safari, Thirteen Hours; Fever
Shannon Michaud's Still Water
Penny Mickelbury's What Could Be More Than Dead?
Susan Cummins Miller's Chasm
Kirk Mitchell's High Desert Malice, Deep Valley Malice
Laura J. Mixon & Steven Gould's Greenwar
Margaret Mizushima's Killing Trail; Stalking Ground
Skye Kathleen Moody's Blue Poppy, and other Venus Diamond mysteries
C. George Muller's Echoes in the Blue
Marcia Muller's Cape Perdido
Judith Newton's Oink
Michael Norman's Skeleton Picnic; On Deadly Ground
Dan O'Brien's Brendan Prairie
Michael Palmer's Fatal
Sara Paretsky's Blood Shot
Brad Parks' The Player
T. Jefferson's Parker's Pacific Beat
Louise Penny's A Better Man
Cathy Pickens' Southern Fried
Carl Posey's Bushmaster Fall
David Poyer's As the Wolf Loves Winter, Winter in the Heart
Katherine Prairie's Thirst
Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child's Reliquary
Kwei Quartey's Murder at Cape Three Points; Gold of our Fathers
Peter Ralph's Dirty Fracking Business
Ben Rehder's Bum Steer; Holy Moly; Hog Heaven; Fat Crazy, and more
Bob Reiss's Purgatory Road
Ruth Rendell's Road Rage
Geoffrey Robert's The Alo Release
Carolyn Rose's An Uncertain Refuge
Leonard Rosen's The Tenth Witness
Rebecca Rothenberg's The Shy Tulip Murders; The Bulrush Murder
Patricia Rushford's Red Sky in the Mourning
Alan Russell's The Forest Prime Evil
Kirk Russell's Shell Games
Nick Russell's Big Lake Blizzard
Louis Sachar's Fuzzy Mud
Brenda Seabrook's The Dragon That Slurped the Green Slime Swamp (Children's)
Frank Schätzing's The Swarm
L.J. Seller's Crimes of Memory
Paige Shelton's Cold Wind
Patricia Skalka's Death Stalks Door County
Barry Siegel's Actual Innocence
Sheila Simonson's An Old Chaos
Jessica Speart's Bird Brained, Blue Twilight, Gator Aide, Tortoise Soup
Dana Stabenow's A Cold Day for Murder, A Deeper Sleep, A Fine and Bitter Snow, Midnight Come Again, A Taint in the Blood, and many others
John Stanley's The Woman Who Married a Bear, The Curious Eat Themselves,
Neal Stephenson's Zodiac
Mark Stevens' Buried by the Roan; Antler Dust; Lake of Fire
David Sundstrand's Shadow of the Raven
William Tapply's Cutter's Run
Peter Temple's The Broken Shore
Ngugi wa Thiong'o's Petals of Blood
Craig Thomas's A Wild Justice
Antti Tuomainen's The Healer
Judith Van Gleson's "Neil Hamel" series, including The Wolf Path & Parrot Blues
David Rains Wallace's The Turquoise Dragon
Lee Wallingford's Clear-Cut Murder; Cold Tracks
Joseph Wambaugh's Finnegan's Week
Sterling Watson's Deadly Sweet
Betty Webb's Desert Wind; The Anteater of Death
Randy Wayne White's White Captiva
Robert Wilson's Blood is Dirt
K.J.A. Wishnia's The Glass Factory; 23 Shades of Black; Red House Soft Money
John Yunker's The Tourist Trail; Where Oceans Hide Their Dead
Greg Zeigler's Rare as Earth; Some Say Fire; The Straw That Broke
Reservoir Noir
Crime Fiction that deals with intentional flooding of towns and villages because of building dams and reservoirs for water supply, irrigation, power and other reasons--a sad addition to the environmental crime fiction list.

Scott Carson's The Chill
Alan Dipper's Drowning Day
Eileen Dunlop's Valley of the Deer (YA)
Lee Harris's Christening Day Murder
Reginald Hill's On Beulah Height
Donald James' Walking the Shadows
James D. Landis' The Talking (Artist of the Beautiful)
Jane Langton's Emily Dickenson is Dead
Julia Wallis Martin's A Likeness in Stone
Sharyn McCrumb's Zombies of the Gene Pool
Michael Miano's The Dead of Summer
Ron Rash's One Foot in Eden
Rick Riordan's The Devil Went Down to Austin
Peter Robinson's In a Dry Season
Lisa See's Dragon Bones
Paul Somers' Broken Jigsaw
Julia Spencer-Fleming's Out of the Deep I Cry
John Milliken Thompson's The Reservoir Reservoir 13
Donald Westlake's Drowned Hopes
John Morgan Wilson's Rhapsody in Blood
Robert Wilson's Blood is Dirt
Stuart Woods's Under the Lake
Let me know any other titles that should be included. Make a comment below.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Crime Writers of Canada (CWC) announced the Shortlists for the 2022 Crime Writers of Canada Awards of Excellence in Canadian Crime Writing. Started in 1984, the annual Crime Writers of Canada Awards of Excellence, then known as the Arthur Ellis Awards, recognizes the best in mystery, crime, and suspense fiction, and crime nonfiction by Canadian authors.
Winners will be announced Thursday 26 May 2022.
Linwood Barclay, Find You First, William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.
Daniel Kalla, Lost Immunity, Simon & Schuster
Dietrich Kalteis, Under the Outlaw Moon, ECW Press
Shari Lapena, Not a Happy Family, Doubleday Canada
Roz Nay, The Hunted, Simon & Schuster
Ashley Audrain, The Push, Viking Canada
Fiona King Foster, The Captive, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.
Byron TD Smith, Windfall: A Henry Lysyk Mystery, Shima Kun Press
Katherine Walker, All Is Well, Thistledown Press
David Whitton, Seven Down, Rare Machines an imprint of Dundurn Press
Candas Jane Dorsey, What’s the Matter with Mary Jane?, ECW Press
Alice Bienia, Three Dog Knight, Cairn Press
Jackie Elliott, Hell's Half Acre, Joffe Books
Catherine Macdonald, So Many Windings, At Bay Press
Vicki Delany, Murder in a Teacup, Kensington Publishing Corp
C. S. Porter, Beneath Her Skin, Vagrant Press / Nimbus Publishing Inc.
Cathy Ace, Corpse with an Iron Will, Four Tails Publishing Inc.
Alice Walsh, Death on Darby’s Island, Vagrant Press / Nimbus Publishing Inc.
Sam Wiebe, Hell and Gone, Harbour Publishing Co. Inc.
Kevin Major, Three for Trinity, Breakwater Books
Marcelle Dubé, Identity Withheld, Falcon Ridge Publishing
Brenda Gayle, Murder in Abstract (A Charly Hall Mystery, book 6), Bowstring Books
Wayne Ng, Letters From Johnny, Guernica Editions
Elvie Simons, Not So Fast, Dr. Quick, Dell Magazines
Pam Barnsley, What can You Do?, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
Hilary Davidson, Weed Man, Dell Magazines
Elizabeth Elwood, Number 10 Marlborough Place, Dell Magazines
Charlotte Morganti, All My Darlings, Die Laughing: An Anthology of Humorous Mysteries
Melissa Yi, Dead Man's Hand, Dell Magazines
Roxanne Bouchard, Le murmure des hakapiks, Libre Expression
Marc-André Chabot, Dis-moi qui doit vivre… Libre Expression
Guillaume Morrissette, Conduite dangereuse, Saint-Jean
Patrick Senécal, Flots, Editions Alire
Richard Ste-Marie, Stigmates, Editions Alire
Karen Bass, Blood Donor, Orca Book Publishers
Rachelle Delaney, Alice Fleck's Recipes for Disaster, Puffin Canada
Cherie Dimaline, Hunting By Stars, Penguin Teen
Kevin Sands, The Traitor's Blade, Aladdin (Simon & Schuster)
Jordyn Taylor, Don't Breathe a Word, HarperTeen (HarperCollins Publishers)
Sarah Berman, Don't Call it a Cult, Viking Canada
Aaron Chapman, Vancouver Vice: Crime and Spectacle in the City's West End, Arsenal Pulp Press
Catherine Fogarty, Murder on the Inside: The True Story of the Deadly Riot at Kingston Penitentiary, Biblioasis
Nate Hendley, The Beatle Bandit, Dundurn Press
Lorna Poplak, The Don: The Story of Toronto's Infamous Jail, Dundurn Press
Delee Fromm, The Strength to Rise
Pam Isfeld, Captives
Renee Lehnen, Elmington
Katie Mac, Ken's Corner
Mark Thomas, Part Time Crazy
Louise Penny’s debut novel, Still Life, not only won CWC Award for Best First Novel but also the New Blood Dagger, Anthony and Barry awards. Since then, Louise Penny has penned over sixteen Inspector Gamache novels, won many more awards, become an International Bestseller and Canadian icon. Inspector Gamache is being adapted for television by Left Bank Productions with Alfred Molina playing the beloved detective. Her most recent book, State of Terror, was written with 2016 U.S. Presential candidate Hilary Clinton, a literary coup and another bestseller.
About Crime Writers of Canada
Crime Writers of Canada was founded in 1982 as a professional organization designed to raise the profile of Canadian crime writers. Our members include authors, publishers, editors, booksellers, librarians, reviewers, and literary agents as well as many developing authors. Past winners of the Awards have included such major names in Canadian crime writing as Mario Bolduc, Gail Bowen, Stevie Cameron, Howard Engel, Barbara Fradkin, Louise Penny, Peter Robinson and Eric Wright. We would like to thank ECW Press, Rakuten Kobo, Mystery Magazine, Shaftesbury, Simpson and Wellenreiter LLP (Hamilton), Writers First, Jane Doe and the Howard Engel family for their sponsorship, and the many participating publishers for their continued support.