Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ned Kelly Award Nominations

Best First Fiction
Ghostlines, Nick Gadd
Crooked, Camilla Nelson
The Build Up, Phillip Gwynee

Best Fiction
Bright Air Barry Maitland
Deep Water Peter Corris
Smoke & Mirrors Kel Robertson

Best True Crime
The Killing of Caroline Byrne, Robert Wainwrights
The Tall Man, Chloe Hooper
A Question of Power, Michelle Schwarz

The SD Harvey Short Story
Fidget's Farewell, Scott McDermott
Farewell My Lovelies, Chris Womersley
Fern's Farewell, Bronwyn Mehan
Farewell to the Shade, Cheryl Rogers


Barney Retallick said...

Hi Janet ....
I really enjoy Mystery Fanfare but today as I read the Ned Kelly nominations I noticed that the Short Story nominees all had FAREWELL in the title. Is there a reason ? And who or what is SD Harvey????
Barney Retallick
I love the picture of you and the dog in your office/library ...... all those shelves and all those books!!!!

Janet Rudolph said...

Not sure what an SD Harvey is, but I'll find out.

Yes, it's weird about the farewell in all the titles. Actually I think Bronwyn Mehan's title is Fern's Farwell. That's how it was listed on the website, but it didn't sound right to me. I'll check on that, too. Thanks for noticing!

Bernard said...

An SD Harvey is "Sandra Harvey", a late Australian journalist. More info on her and the award is at

The entry guidelines stated that, "The title of the short story must include a particular word (a signature) decided upon each year by the judges. This word must be reflected in the story. This year's word, for the inaugural competition is 'FAREWELL'. "

I had a go at this competition. My entry was entitled, "Farewell Gift".

Janet Rudolph said...

Thank you so much for the clarification. WE were all wondering about that.